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Because you guys have been so patient with me, and I've really gotten into a writing groove, HERES ANOTHER UPDATE! I appreciate you all so much, so it's the least I can do to show my gratitude!! Enjoy! ❤️

C H A P T E R 109

Samantha spent the next morning going over what Barty Crouch Jr said to her when he was being dragged away. Sirius, Remus, and Tonks all went to work and would come back on their lunch break to say goodbye to the both of them and send them back through the Floo Network. They spent breakfast chatting and catching up and Harry was also confused on what Crouch Jr meant by that. Clearly Marcus had some type of involvement in this mission.

But what?

It made no sense.

Marcus would never do that to her.....would he?

He always reassured her that his family values were not his own but what if that was changing. What if as he's getting older he's starting to sort out his future and his priorities.

"Harry?" Samantha asked abruptly as they were now in the library. Harry was working on some last assignments while Samantha was staring at her Charms book, not paying attention and only thinking about Marcus.


"Random question but I need an outside opinion and I trust you to be upfront and honest with me."

"Of course I will," he reassured.

"Do you think Marcus and I are right for each other?" she asked with furrowed eyebrows. "I've already been doing a lot of reflecting on our relationship and where we're at and now that comment is putting me through the ringer and I just don't know what to do. Like obviously I'm going to ask him about it the second we get back but what if it's something I don't want to hear?"

Harry sat back for a moment and put down his Astronomy chart. "Honestly, I really wasn't that keen on him at first. But that was just me and my initial view of him as a Slytherin and what he did to you. However, you really liked him so of course I was going to give him a chance. Do you see a future with him? Personally, I think that's the most important thing to think about."

Samantha sighed. "Right now, no. Everything is just a mess and what is looming is not making this any easier. I think when I was putting together the pieces of Crouch and his plan, it really dawned on me just how close we are to all of this darkness coming back and you being at the center of it all. Me a little bit, but most importantly you, Harry. Marcus' family is not on our side. Now I'm not saying that is the only factor but obviously family and lifestyle is a huge factor in living life with someone and I just don't think Marcus and I have that natural compatibility. With Cedric we had that but not as much as passion as Marcus. Does that make sense?"

"So you think the timing right now with Marcus is off?"

"Right. I just think we're in two completely separate places and not on the same page. I could hold out hope for after this upcoming war we're definitely going to have but I also don't want to hold myself back from possibly falling in love, you know?"

"I get it. Do you think you and Marcus also fit well together overall as a couple, like bonding and things like that?"

Samantha crossed one leg over the other and sat back on the couch. "See, that's also something I was thinking about. It's been a few months now and I feel like we're stuck. Maybe it's just the tournament but we really don't talk about many things. I'm a visual learner so let me see if I can paint a picture. It's like Marcus and I are puzzle pieces and even though ours might fit together, I don't think he fits in with the other pieces of my life. It's like pulling teeth when he's with my friend group. It's just not natural and I don't know if I want to keep putting more time and effort. As much as love is worth sacrificing and compromising for, I feel like I'm doing too much. Or what we're currently doing doesn't feel right or isn't moving forward. I want our relationship to progress and I don't know if Marcus is the right guide for me."

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