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C H A P T E R  7

"....and that brings us to the 16th century where we see the Knights coming into play. We know that Merlin had his influence on these times since he was a Slytherin and a very powerful wizard...," Professor Binns lectured Monday morning during their first class of the day.

Samantha was currently sitting in the back in between Fred and George sleeping. Her head drooped on her shoulder and she could vaguely hear Binns' monotone voice.

"Now with that being said, what can we assume? Potter!" Binns yelled across the room.

Samantha jolted awake and looked up at Binns who was wearing an angry scowl.

"Pardon?" she sleepily asked him. "Did you...did you ask a question?"

Binns nodded slowly angry at her not paying attention. "Yes Potter. I asked what can we assume from Merlin being a Slytherin?"

Samantha yawned again and shrugged. She hated History of Magic, it was her worst subject. "That he liked the color green?" she answered with a bored tone. This earned a few chuckles from the fellow Gryffindors and even from a few Hufflepuffs.

Binns huffed annoyed. "No, Potter. That is far from the answer. I advise you to actually read the text and pay attention so your tests will be better than the mind of a troll. Now stay awake!" he cried furiously and went back to lecturing like nothing happened.

Fred and George snickered as Samantha rolled her hazel eyes and frowned. She knew she got Acceptable on her assignments and was happy about it since she tended to forget the content, but she didn't think it was as bad as Troll, which was the worst on the grading scale.

Nevertheless, she sighed and sunk back down in her chair, ready to doze off again.

Binns was a teacher known for forgetting students names and for drowning on and on. It was no shock that he knew only three students names. Samantha, Fred, and George. It also wasn't a shock that he called her out for her lack of knowledge on the subject.

Class had a few minutes left so Binns announced his homework for the Gryffindors and the Hufflepuffs, which fully woke Samantha up.

"I want a full roll of parchment on Merlin and his influence on Hogwarts and the Wizarding World. 12 inches. It shall be due next class which is Friday, that is all,"

Samantha and the twins groaned. "We have Quidditch every night this week thanks to someone," Angelina said referring to Oliver.

The bell rang and they went off to their next class.

• • • • •

"That wasn't very nice Ron," Samantha told him after as dinner ended.

Ron had just shooed away Hermione Granger for trying to talk to them. She gave him and Harry a glare and then stormed out of the Great Hall.

Ron shrugged and then stood up with them, walking with them back to the Common Room and then seeing them off for Quidditch practice.

"So? She's annoying and a know-it-all. Why can't she just leave us alone?" he said and then looked at Harry who seemed to be passive about the topic.

Samantha put a hand on his shoulder turning him towards her. "You guys go on, I'll catch up," she told her friends who nodded. The twins gave Ron a shove before walking down the corridor.

"Ron, she's just trying to be your friend. Give her a chance," she reasoned.

"But she's always showing everyone up," he said frowning.

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