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Samantha and Sirius walked down to the ground floor and took a brief tour of the kitchen. Sirius looked at the old grandfather clock in the corner and it read just after noon.

Right on cue, his stomach started to growl and Samantha glanced over at him. "Hungry?"

He grinned sheepishly. "Well it is lunch time."

"Ready to head back? I can quickly go over to the kitchens and grab some lunch?" she suggested.

Sirius nodded. He was a bit happy to be leaving Grimmauld Place but a small part of him wanted to stay and keep exploring his past to try and move on from it. The more he thought about his past, the more he thought about James and Remus and all of the good times they had together.

What Samantha didn't know was that he found the two way mirror in his desk drawer. Sirius didn't realize he left it there when he packed. It didn't come to him to use it during their last two years because surprisingly, him and James didn't get that many detentions due to paying attention more and working towards their NEWTs.

They walked back up to the ground floor and to the foyer. Sirius took out his wand and dimmed the lights.

"You know," Samantha started once the lights went out. "I wouldn't mind living here."

Samantha couldn't see Sirius but she could picture his shocked reaction.

"Why?" he said quickly and laced with concern.

"Well it has a lot of rooms and could be habitable with a bit of cleaning up," she said impassively. "Plus it would be free."

Sirius opened up the door and slowly nodded. "Understandable."

They walked out onto the stoop and Sirius closed the door and made sure it was locked. The street was still deserted and Samantha wondered if everyone was shut inside their house spending time with their families.

Once they reached the other side of the street, Number 12 Grimmauld Place slowly started to disappear and after a few moments, it was gone, like it was never there in the first place.

Sirius held out his arm and Samantha took it. They instantly left Grimmauld Place and were back at the edge of the Hogwarts grounds. The two walked back up to the castle and once they reached the edge of the forest and could see Hagrid's hut, Sirius turned into Padfoot and Samantha walked along side him.

Padfoot went towards the Whomping Willow and Samantha went towards the Kitchens to get some lunch.

After lunch, she bid Sirius goodbye and would see him tomorrow since it was Christmas. She went back to the Common Room and saw the trio.

They looked up at her and smiled.

"Hey guys," she said and sat down next to them by the fire. She looked down at the table and saw dozens of large dusty books.

"Nice jacket," Ron commented. "Where did you get it?"

Samantha looked down and inwardly cursed that she forgot she was wearing it. "Oh you know I ordered it a while ago as a Christmas present for myself because why not and I just got back from the Owlry."

The Older Potter // HP Older SisterWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt