Chapter 29

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Gossip spreads pretty quickly at my school. Especially if the gossip is about Brooklyn, Lucas and I.

This one spread like hungry cats over a fish. It was fast.

Brooklyn wasn't at school today though so Im not sure if he knew yet.


I climbed out of the car, thanked Mr. Turner and walked inside The Palace. (Hotels name) As soon as I walked in I thought 'shit!'

Brooklyn was waiting in one of the chairs for me. He saw me and came towards me.

" My Room Now! " he half shouted.
I ran to the elevator and we both walked in.

The short ride to his apartment was scary. We both didn't look and talk the each other.


He closed his bedroom door and I sat nervously on his bed.

B - So Josh and Lucas sent me texts today.

C - Brooklyn I

B - No! I cant believe you!

I started to get teary.

B - WHY!? Why would you do this?!

C - because its 3 weeks until Prom and you haven't asked me yet! Or maybe because you have been acting weird for the last month! Whats that about?! Are you sick of me already?!

B - Yes its 3 weeks until Prom and I didnt ask you! Maybe because I was trying to find a unforgettable way to ask you!

C - Brook Im sorry! I didn't know!

B - whatever have fun with Lucas! Im now going to ask Jackie!

He stormed out of the room leaving me in tears lying on his unmade bed.



The picture in media is of the Palace. The hotel which the Waldorphs and Beckhams live in!!

Sorry for taking so long to write! Ive got an amazing idea for the next chapter so stay tuned!

Thank you all for getting me over 1.4k!! OMG!!!

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Kisses, Hallie

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