chapter 3

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{Claudia's pov}

After the gym I walked back to my room and changed into one of my Pink bikinis. It was a black and white print top with aqua bottoms {in media} . I also put on a loose Lorna Jane top with white shorts, sandals and cute pink sun glasses.

I arrived at the water park and texted Will I there. He replied with, 'getting a snack at the cafe, then swimming again, come find us!'. I set of to the cafe.

I walked through the glass door and straight away my eyes landed on the cutest boy I'd ever seen!! I'd seen him before but I don't know how and when.

"CLAUDIA!! Come over here girly!" Paige shouted, (I already knew we were going to be best friends! ). I walked over to the group including the cute boy. OMG HE WAS BROOKLYN BEACKHAM!!

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