chapter 27

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- The Months Before PROM -

It was officially 3 month until PROM and I still didn't have a date. Brooklyn hadn't asked me yet. I can't wait until he asked me because I know it will be amazing.


It was officially 2 month until PROM and I still didn't have a date. Brooklyn hadn't asked me yet. I can't wait until he asked me because I know it will be amazing.


It was officially 1 month until PROM and I was getting worried. Brooklyn STILL hadn't asked me!

I talked to mom about it and she said that it was fine.

I was worried though; what if he doesn't ask me!

About 3 other boys had asked but I had said no as I knew Brooklyn was going to ask me, but now I'm not so sure. Maybe I should just go with someone else.


Now that I am thinking about Brooklyn so much I realise he has been acting weird for a couple of weeks


I walk into school with Brooklyn and then see Josh. (He changed schools after he got bullied at his old school.) He looked over at us and smiled.

Maybe I could ask him to prom?


I walked into advanced maths class. It was my lass class for the day, after school Jackie and I were going to meet up with Clare and Paige and they were going to help us pick prom dresses.

I sat down in my usual seat in the middle of the room. A couple of my friends came over and sat down near me and we started talking about Prom. They all asked if I had a date yet but I said No. They were all like, 'WHAT?!' .


Clare's mum had picked up Jackie and I and dropped all us girls off at the mall.

We walked into the mall and decided which store to go to first.

First we visited 'Prom R Us' . After 30minutes of searching for dresses we all find one we love. My pick was a white short dress with a black lace shoulder that came down below the black belt. {in media}

We all went into the same dressing room as it was huge!

Jackie and I stood in dresses while Clare and Paige examined us.

Jackies dress fit perfectly and looked amazing on her but she liked it, not loved it.

On my dress the belt was too low for my cut so I decided against it.

We returned the dresses and kept on searching.


The next shop we went to was 'Damm Glam' . After another 25 minutes of searching I found a strapless orange short dress. {dress in media} The dress was pretty but I didn't love it. Jackie tried on a long pale pink dress and loved it. After 10 minutes of taking selfies and making sure it was perfect, she bough it.


We had 2 more stops but first we went to the food court and got snacks. While the girls shared a pizza I got a small salad.

I wasn't feeling like pigging out while Brooklyn was on my mind. I twirled a piece of lettuce around on my fork and the girls picked up that something was wrong.

J - Claud, whats up?

I took a big breath and explained the whole situation to them.

As I finished they hugged me and told me not to worry as he will ask me soon. They were sure of it, I wasn't.


After we cleared the table and I cheered up with we went into 'Sherrie Hill' . After 40 minutes of looking I found 3 dresses I loved. One was a sliver crop top with a green ankle skirt. One was a white short dress with lace shoulders and a silk belt. The other one was a mint coloured short dress a pattern top. I tried them all on and after the tough decision I bough the short mint one and the long mint one. {dresses in media}

I would wear the short one to prom and the long mint one somewhere else.

I paid for the dresses and smiled. I couldn't wait to show mom!


Just for fun we walked into 'WonderLand' . As soon as we entered I spotted a black dress and fell in love with it. It was black with sliver lace coming upwards from it. Then a black see-through shoulders. {dress in media} I was in love! Even though I had just bought 2 new dresses I bought the dress. I would decide with one to wear to Prom later.

I paid and we hopped into Clare's moms car again and she drove us home.



Guys I need a new boy character. He need to be 15 or 16. Please comment!!!

Sorry about the slow updates. I just went back to school and I already have tons of homework and also my dancing, skiing, running and other activities. I will try and update as much a I can though.

If you guys have ideas or opinions please message me!!!! I want to make this book really good!!! You can be as tough as you want!!

Thank you all very much for the read and votes!!! It means so much that you guys actually read my book!! Thank you!!

Kisses, Hallie

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