Chapter 14

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After 20 minutes of Netflix, I get a text from Brooklyn,

B - meet me at the park in 10.

I didn't reply but he knew I would come so I grabbed my mint Penny-Board {in media} , purse, phone and walked down the stairs.

S - where are you going?

C - just to the park for some air.

S - ok but be home before 7.

I checked the time on my phone as I waited for the elevator to take me to the ground floor, it was 4.45.

I walked through the glass door and started away on my board. After about 2 minutes paparazzi realised who I was and started following me. The crowed around me so I had to stop riding. I picked it up was calmly walked through then saying, 'excuse me' and 'pardon me' .

All of a sudden I felt a warm hand on my back. I look over my shoulder and see the one and only Brooklyn.

Together we make our way through the paps and run to the park, then we hid in the mini forest while nobody is looking.

We stopped running and started laughing! Brooklyn picked me and span me around. I squealed and we both fell over laughing. It was one of those moment you dream about but never really happens, well maybe fairytales do exist.

We laid down next to each other and started talking.

B - you know claud, I really care about you.

C - naw Brookie I care about you too.

We both sat up so we were facing each other.

B - No like claud, I think I like you a lot.

C - Brooklyn, I think I like you too.

Suddenly our lips touched. The magic came back for a little longer than last time.

It was amazing.


I had just had my first AND second kiss, with Brooklyn!!!!

My head was spinning.


We spent 2 hours in the park, laughing, riding my penny board and mucking around.

Finally it was time to go home.

We walked to our hotel and got in the elevator.

We got to Brooklyn's apartment and we hugged then he walked out.

I got to mine and I couldn't think!

What A Day!


If you guys have ideas or opinions please message me!!!! I want to make this book really good!!! You can be as tough as you want!!

Sorry I haven't been very active, I just started training and I'm busy with that, but I promise to post more than I have been. I also have a day off tomorrow so I will post then.

Thank you all very much for the read and votes!!! It means so much that you guys actually read my book!! Thank you!!

Kisses, Hallie

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