What to do?

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Jc's Pov
So we've been on this bus for about five hours already and everyone is knocked out except for me. Jay fell asleep on my shoulder while she was reading a book.And this may sound weird but shes gotten a little thicker, It may be weird to say right now but she has.But anyways, She thought I forgot but I didn't. She hurt me. And I don't know how many times she's been with him. All I could do is stare at him in disgust as he slept so peacefully like nothing happened. Oh, he's gonna wish that he never put his hands on my princess. But i'm mad at her too for letting it happen. They both are gonna get what they deserve really soon but not yet. But until then I gotta play it cool like I have been doing today and wait. But I still love her to death... I'm just hurt.

Jay's Pov(Her dream)
"Kian, please don't tell him.I'm begging you please." I begged Kian while pulling him away from Me and Jc's room door and into the living room. I knew I never should have told him I was pregnant first. "No. I"m done with you. You mean nothing to me anymore. And i'm gonna tell him" He said brushing me off of him. "Kian. Please don't i'll do anything" I said pulling his arm but he stopped dead in his tracks." Anything?" He asked with his evil grin. I already regret saying that. "Yes. Anything" I said weakly."Kiss me" He said. "Kian, No my fiance is right upstairs" I said. "Jc!" He yelled. 
"Okay. Okay"  I cried
He forcefully pulled me towards him and smashed his lips into mine. I refused to kiss back. He then painfully grabbed my waist and squeezed  and it sent a sharp pain into my legs and it hurt my stomach. When he did that I knew that he wanted me to kiss back but I had no choice. I don't want anything to happen to him because he can be the father of my baby and I need him. "Yeah?" I heard Jc say from upstairs. I quickly pulled away an sat on the couch. Kian looked at me and winked and then looked at Jc. "You wanna call everyone else so we all can go out to dinner?" He asked. "Yeah. I'll do it now." He said."Okay.Jay do you wanna go?" He asked me very calm. On the outside I was calm but on the inside I was scared to death."Sure. But I wanna come home right after and not to The Echo like we usually do." Why not babe?" Jc asked turning around."Because I don't feel like drinking tonight." I answered. "Okay.Well  i'll come home with you and we can watch a movie together." He said smiling. I smiled and nodded and looked at Kian. He had anger in his eyes. He looked at me and rolled his eyes then looked back at Jc. "Okay dude I'll be at the store. Gonna go run and get a haircut really quick." He said. "Okay. Jay could you come here?" Jc said. I nodded and quickly ran upstairs. "Baby what color do-" Jc started but I cut him off by giving him the biggest hug. "Baby I love you so much. You're my everything.  I can't live without you. " I said almost crying.  He held me really tight but in a comforting way. "Baby I love you too. What's wrong?" He asked looking dead into my eyes. "Baby I have to tell you something. " I said. "What is it?" He asked. "I.. I'm uh......I'm pregnant."
"You are? That's great! I'm gonna be a daddy!"
"Yeah. But the baby might be Kian's" I continued. He let go from hugging me and he backed up. Anger shot up in his eyes and his face turned red. I almost fainted due to the level of how scared I was. He started inching closer to me and he started tensing up his muscles.  "Jc please calm d-down. I-I'm sorry." I stutterd. He automatically slapped me dead across my face causing me to drop to the floor.
I hopped up and gasped for air as I looked at my surroundings. I was on a bus next to my loving boyfriend who was still wide awake. "Baby what's wrong?" He asked while grabbing my hand. I jumped at his touch and fear took over my body. "Baby what happened? " he asked. "N-Nothing I just... had a bad dream" I answered. He pulled me in for a hug and kissed my forehead.  I then got used to his his soft skin again and hugged him tighter.  I honestly need to tell him now and pray to god he won't hit me. But I can't tell him and not Kian. I need to tell them at the same time. Ill tell them in the morning. I laid back on his shoulder and stared out the window. It was late and beautiful outside. The sky was a light black. The stars were shining brightly and the road was open. I honestly am really excited since this is my first tour with my best friends and boyfriend. "Baby do you wanna make a quick Snapchat vlog?" Jc asked me. I smiled and nodded. He pulled his phone out and got it ready. He kissed me and took the picture and put a caption "Touring the world with my baby. I love her". I smiled at the picture and then he posted it.Then he started recording. "Babe give me a kiss he said stuffing his face with mike and Ikes that he pulled out earlier. I laughed and kissed his cheek."Nope. right here" he mumbled pointing to his lips. I hesitated and then quickly kissed his lips and then wiped mine. He laughed then ate his candy while posting it. Then he just looked at me. We didn't say say anything we just looked. I could tell he was hurting. He had a smile on his face and so did I but knew he was really hurting. I've disapointed him so much. I've hurt him so many times. All I could do was burst into tears. He somehow knew why I was crying because he held me and whispered "It's okay. I'm okay" In my ear. "I know. I love you so much." I said. I guess I needed to let it all out tonight. I just have so many different emotions right now. But at least Jc is here to help me.  

Jc's Pov.
He hurt her. She's broken because of him. Tomorrow is gonna be the day where he regrets ever even looking at her.

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