We Made It

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Jc's POV
When the plane completely landed I got up and let jay get off first. She grabbed our bag and then walked off. I walked behind her to see if she knew where she was going (and she didn't). "Umm where are you going?" I asked laughing a little. "Don't laugh and I don't know" she said making a pouty face. "Well don't you think you should follow me?" I asked walking towards the luggage section. "Yeah." She said. I laughed and grabbed our bags and gave her one. Now she had two and I had two. When I looked at Jay I seen that she looked red. "Babe what's wrong?" I asked."Oh uh nothing" she said. "You sure?" I asked." Yeah. Let's just go look for our car" she said. "Okay" I said still a little concerned. We both walked towards the door where the drivers were and looked for our sign. I eventually found a older guy holding a sign that said "Mr. And Mrs. Caylen" on it. I called Jay over and we followed him to the car. After we put our bags in the trunk, we got we got in the car and told the guy my mom's address. He seemed like a really nice guy. But anyways I noticed that while he was driving Jay look more and more calm as we got closer to the house. "You okay babe?" I asked grabbing her hand. "Oh uh...yeah. I was just thinking about things." She answered. "Okay. And we're almost there." I said. She looked around out the window, then she turned to me and nodded. About Fifteen minutes later we arrived in my mom's drive way. "We're here" The man said in a really joyful tone. I Tapped Jay's thigh to let her know because she was on her phone texting Jenn. "Okay. I seem less nervous tho." she said while getting out the car. " I can see. And that's a good thing because there is nothing for you to be nervous about." I said grabbing some bags out the trunk. She smiled and grabbed the other bags. "Thank you so much." She said to the driver. "Your very welcome. I hope you and your husband have a really good time." he said. "We wilI" said thanking him.Jay looked like she in shock when I answered but a good shock. I smiled at her and winked which made her blush. "Do you wanna do the honers? " I asked setting our bags down by the door. She smiled and knocked three times. "Oh my gosh. Mom. It's Jc and Jay." We heard Jaylen say from inside. "Awww." Jay said under her breathe. "But mom I wanna do it." Ava Grace whined. 

Jay's POV
Its so cute how they wanted to open the door for us. I was laughing quietly under my breathe until Jc opened the door and was like "How about I do it.". When he did that you can tell that the kids were excited. "JC!!" they all yelled. I laughed and grabbed our bags and brought them in. Everyone was in the dining room and when you walk in your in the kitchen so no one saw me. Then when I was finished bringing in the bags I snuck into the dining room. everyone was still giving Jc hugs and stuff. So I stood there and then just out of the blue said "So only Jc gets love?". Then everyone ran over to me and gave me hugs and his mom gave me a kiss on the cheek and everyone was just so sweet. I picked up Ava grace while Jaylen and Joe Felix were hugging me still. "I missed you guys." I said. "We missed you too Jeriah it's a pleasure to have you back." His mom said. Thank you momma caylen." I said putting Ava grace down after I kissed her on the cheek. "Your welcome. And Justin take the bags upstairs while Jeriah comes and makes herself at home." She continued I smiled and Jc laughed and grabbed the bags and went up stairs. When we went to the kitchen she just smiled and said I can have anything from the fridge and when I am finished I can find something to do. I guess she was taking the kids somewhere because they were all dressed. "Okay and where are you guys going?" I asked getting one of Jc's Arizonas."Oh I'm taking the kids to go see a movie since they have been bugging me about it for so long." She said grabbing her keys off of the counter. "Oooooh. Okay well you guys have fun and be good." I said watching then leave. "We will." They all said. "Yeah right." Jc said walking down the stairs. I laughed and continued to drink the Arizona. "Where are they going?" He asked while grabbing me softly by my head to give me a kiss. I laughed again. "They went to see some new movie." I answered While setting my drink down. "Ohhh. Well you know we can do anything right? He said with a devious smile. "Oh really?" i Asked with the same smile. "So you know what that means...." He said. " PIZZA TIME!!!!! " Both shouted. "I get the number you get the phone." He said. I ran to the living room and grabbed the house phone. He ran to his room to get the number from his drawer. Me and Jc have this thing that we do every once in a while called pizza time. We basically only do it if we are not busy, If we are by ourselves, And if we wanna cuddle while eating pizza and Netflix. Its our thing. Now its time to order. 

*Skip them ordering and eating. Now they are in Jc's room watching the Notebook.*

Momma Caylen and the kids just got back and they are in their rooms doing whatever. "Do you wanna do anything today baby?" I asked Jc while we were laying down. "No. I just wanna lay here with you all day." he answered. "Okay." I simply answered."I guess today is gonna be a very chill day then." I thought to my self. But that's okay with me.

I'm sooooo sorry about not updating sooner and I am soooooooo sorry about missing my days. I really hope you guys forgive me. It's like I had small writers block. But I do have a few ideas so i'll be here. But yeah thank you guys for the support and votes and reads and everything else. Oh and if you didn't hear the new I made a trailer for my book and its on YouTube. Just go to my chanell Jay Chanell an you'll see it. Make sure to like, comment and subscribe. Thanks again.

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