I Can't Tell Him

190 11 3

Jay's POV
I was broken. I cried so hard in just that short amount of time. Jesus Christ. Where did he even get the idea that I kissed kian? I would never-Trevor. It was Trevor. "TREVOR WHAT DID I EVER DO TO YOU? WHY DID YOU DO THIS?" I screamed at him in anger and frustration. "You know what you did." He said with a evil smirk."Now it's Payback" he said and walked out. What the heck was he talking about? And I haven't even been around him to hurt him. After this process of crying and scream at Trevor I ran out yo the parking lot to see if Jc was still here and he wasn't. I can't lose him. I love him so much. I have to find him. "Guys please try to call him. Please." I told everyone. They nodded and made a plan on who was gonna call him first. I went back into kians room and seen he wasn't in there. "Kian?!" I yelled really scared. No answer. I went all the way in and seen the bathroom door was closed. "Kian, are you in there?" I asked jiggling the handle and pushing the door. Finally he opened the door and then i see him with his clothes on and taking off his bandeges. I quickly rush in and help him. "Kian what are you doing?" I asked grabbing his arm." I'm just changing my bandages Jay. Please help me this hurts." He said looking into my eyes. His eyes are so beautiful. Jay STOP! I can't think if him like that. He's my best friend's boyfriend. "Kian what did Leah say?" I asked him holding his arm and taking off the bloody bandages but still looking at him."Well.... We talked and we decided that we wanted to stay best friends because That will never change but we also decided we wanted to see different people." He said with a devastated look on his face. "Oh kian I'm so sorry." I said. "Its fine. It gives me time for me to be me for a little while." He replied. I smiled at what he said and he smiled back. Then it happened. We didn't mean for it to but we aren't cheating since we both are technically single. But we kissed. He sent chills through my spine and set fireworks off in my head. But my stomach has just been feeling so bad lately and I don't know why. After about thirty seconds of heaven and his lips we pulled away. Then the most awkward thing happens. Rylee walks in. "Oh god kian are you okay she said walking towards us. "Yeah I'm fine Rye." He said looking at her. I feel like I wanna throw up. And its not because of them or anything its just my stomach is... Ugh. "Guys could you excuse me, I have to use the bathroom." I said. Then they both nodded. Kian grabbed his new bandages and went out to the room with rylee so she could help him. I closed the door and looked in the hospital cabinets. Then I found what I was looking for. I followed the directions and it said I had to wait ten minutes. I'm probably not but its best to check. When I was finished everything as in cleaning my mascara off my face and applying some more and just finishing my make up in general. The ten minutes had been up but I didn't want to look. I wanted to wait until I got home. I grabbed the test(without looking) and put it in my pocket. I went out to see kian talking to the doctor with Rylee sitting on his side." Okay. Thanks doc." Kian said then the doctor walked out. "I guess I'm going home." He said looking at me. "Yay." I said with a little laugh. So after getting everything done with kian he was ready to leave. When we got in the waiting room everyone was calm and they were talking to each other but when they seen me they had a concerned look on their face. Well everyone except trevor. "Guys I'm fine. I'll try to talk to him." I said.then everyone said okay and nodded. "Ricky can I ride home with you?" I asked him grabbing the bags Jc left. "Sorry baby girl but Jc took it. But I have to go get it later." He said taking the bags from me." But we could ride in sams car to the house." He said. "Okay. And do you know where Jc is?" I asked him. "No. He has to call me and tell me." He said. "Okay." I replied. So after everyone figured who was taking who where me, Sam, Leah, ricky, and kian were all going to our house (the girls house). I haven't been there in a while. I miss this place. And when we arrived at the house ricky and Sam grabbed the bags and told me and Leah to go in the house. We laughed and went in. I went to the bathroom And took out the test. I closed my eyes and counted to three. One....two.....three- Oh god.
Two bars....I'm pregnant.

Los Angeles (Jc Caylen fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon