The Argument

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I froze and stared at them in disgust. Leah and Rylee came up to me to see if it was our old friend Morgan that was supposed to be coming. They froze and turned red. Mariah would have came to see  who it was but she was to busy cuddling with Trevor. Jc, Kian, and Sam came up to the door since me and the girls were standing there for a while. "What is taking you----" Jc said but then he stopped talking when he seen who was at the door. He came up me and hugged me from behind. Sam did the same to Leah and Kian did the same thing to Rylee. It was a weird and awkward silence that I hated. I don't know why I do but I hate seeing Andrea and Lia's face. I Actually hate Andrea more than I hate Lia which is kind of weird since Jc and Lia dated and not Jc and Andrea. I looked at Andrea and then at kian. He bit his lip then looked at Sam and Jc. Sam looked at Rylee who looked at me, then that is when I looked at Jc. It's like we're giving each other signal through there eyes which was adorable. Its the bond we share that is adorable. But anyways, Kian looked at Rylee which was in front of him,Sam looked at Leah which was in front of him, and Jc looked at me and I was in front of him. And they the guys kissed us all at the same time. Me and the girls were in shock but we went along with it. When we were finished kissing our guys we looked at the ex's and laughed." Mmm its sad that you missed out on that. This could have been know if you never messed up." She said giving a devious smile to Andrea. And I loved when Rylee did that. It means you've gotten on her bad side and I loved her bad side. Andrea rolled her eyes and looked at Lia like she was waiting for her to say something. Ugh that was one thing that I hate about Andrea, she is always so dependant on Lia. But Lia finally took the hint and said something. "Look Jc...I want to talk to you. Its really important and private." She said looking all Innocent ad it was disgusting. I just started laughing and so did Jc and the rest of the squad." If you think that I will let YOU have some alone time with my man your crazy." I said. "Look you wannabe shut up cause she wasn't talking to you." Andrea stepped in and said. (P.s Leah and Sam were having there own little argument with Acacia. And the lights were on and everyone was talking in the dining room.) I took a deep breath and balled my fist and tried to calm down. "Look. We didn't come here to argue with you......We just want to talk to them." Acacia said rolling her eyes and saying it with an attitude. Then that's when Leah stormed off. Sam ran after her trying to comfort her which was adorable. Anyways, I got really tired of this useless argument cause she's not going to talk to them so I was just getting ready to slam the door when my friend Morgan walked up with her boyfriend. He looked really familiar from far away so I had to examine him when he got closer. "Oh my gosh! That's him." I whispered to Jc. And when he got closer Jc realized that he was the guy that Lia was kissing by our car. "Hey bestie" Morgan said reaching for a hug. "Omg Morgan hi." I said trying to sound happy before I broke her the news. "I missed you sooo much."  She said smiling. " I missed you too Mo but I have something to tell you." I said lowering my voice. "What's up? She said backing up. "I'm sorry I have to tell you this after you being here for only 30 seconds but.....He doesn't love you because he kissed her." I said with watery eyes. ""  She said almost crying. "I'm sorry Mo but it's true." Jc said. When we looked back at Mark he stood there and shrugged and then looked at Lia and smiled at her. The worst thing is that she smiled back and reached to hug him and he hugged her back. " I think I'm gonna be sick" She said running away. Rylee and Kian ran after her to comfort her and show her the bathroom. "Your just disgusting" I said to Lia, Acacia, and Mark then slammed the door. Jc pulled me in for a hug and whispered something in my ear. "Baby please don't let them ruin your perfect night. I don't even want to remember the fact that they came here. Babe forget about it please?" He sounds so peaceful and protective and I love that. I nodded and gave him a hug and then wiped my face. We walked back to the living room and continued to open my presents. And the crazy thing is we acted like they never even showed up and I have to admit I had fun. We did act like nothing ever happened.

Guy's I'm so sorry ffor not updating but I have an idea. How about I just update every Saturday? I really want to try that and see how it works out. But yeah thank you for the reads and everything. I appreciate it allot.

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