I'm Sorry

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"Umm..Mrs. Moran can I talk to you for a quick second?" I asked trevors mom at their family gathering. "Yeah sure. What's up?" She said trying to sound cool. And I love when she does that so I laughed. "Haha okay well...it's pretty serious." I said calming down. "What is it?" She asked. "So I went to a small party with Jc and Mr. Moran was there.." I started. "Okay..?" She said moving her hands for me to continue."He was with someone else." I said. "What do you mean someone else?" She asked a little shaky."He was there with some women" I said grabbing her arm hoping she was okay. "Oh. Okay. Well I'll be sure to talk to him" She said wiping her eyes a little.
********************************I thought about what I told trevors mom while I sat in the bathroom. I didn't know what to do. Jc's gone, I don't want to tell anyone yet. Jc hates me beacuse of trevor. I need help. And I know just the person. Allison.

Jc's Pov
When I arrived at lia's house I seen that her car was in the driveway so that meant she was home. I was still upset about what happened in the hospital. I knocked on the door and heard a familiar voice behind it. It sounded like arden. "Yeah? Well your sweat smells like cinnamon!" She yelled at someone upstairs. I laughed and asked if I could come in."Where's Jay?" She asked. I shrugged my shoulders. I walked up to lia's room and knocked on her door. "Come in" she called. I walked in and stood there. "What are you doIng here?" She asked sitting up from her bed. I didnt answer her. I just walked up to her and kissed her. She smiked at me then that's when it all hit me.********************************"Jc baby I love you so much." Jay said to me the night we were sleeping at my moms in texas."Jay you make me the happiest man alive." I said back to her. She really does make me the happiest man. I wanna take it to the next step but I don't kmow. "Baby what would you say if I said I wanted a family?" I asked her. "Awwww Jc you do?" She said sitting up and looking at me. I nodded lightly. She squealed and smiled so hard. She was beautiful. I love seeing her this happy. I love her.********************************I zoned out to the amazing thought that ne and Jay once shared. Then I realized.....I can't do this. I hurt her. I need her. Where is she? Is she okay? Does she have anyone with her? All these thoughts are going through my head and I'm still standing here. I rush out the door and get in ricky's car and drive back to the hospital." Maybe she's still there?" I thought. I went in and checked everywhere. She wasn't here. I went back to our house. She want there either. Then finally I went to the girls house and I seen cars so I knew they were there. I went in and asked where Jay was." In her bathroom" Kian answered. I ran to the the back and went In her room. I seen that her bathroom door was closed so I stood there and knocked without saying anything." Just a second she said. I love her voice so much. I can't believe I hurt her so many times. There's something I have to tell you guys. I cheated on Jay......multiple times. I was with lia a few times before me and Jay left for texas. I know I'm stupid and terrible and dumb but I have to tell her. She will be so crushed. I hinestly would let her cheat on me and ill forgive her. Thats how bad this is. I just don't know what to do anymore. Then my thoughts got cut of by her opening the door.

Jay's Pov
"Ally, Thank you for coming and we have to talk about the ba-" I said quickly while opening the door and then cut myself off. It was Jc. I wanna give him a hug right now but I'm mad at him for being such a jerk. I stared at the floor trying to avoid eye contact. He looked at me confused becaueebof what injust said but then he grabbed mh chin gently and and made me look at him. "Jay... baby i'm sorry" he said. I couldn't talk or else I'd cry so I nodded." Jay I really am." He said. I thought about how he has been treating me lately and I was gonna walk away but then my baby might not have their possible dad. And yes I did say possible. See....before me and Jc went to texas...I was with kian. I know Its not right but he was sad and hurt and depressed because of Rylee and I had to help him. Then later on Jc said he wanted to start a family. So i'm scared to find out this outcome. But I have to end up telling him."Okay" I said and hugged him. He is so soft and he smells so good. I missed him and he wasn't even gone for a long time. Then he kissed me for a long time. I live him so much. But he will probably hate me when I finds out I cheated. I'm so scared. And the worst part is I have to tell him......and kian

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