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Brie pov

I was super exhausted. Kimie was happy very happy as she showed me the letter she got for the college in busan. It was so far from here which made me so worried. What if something was gonna happen to her? I dont want her to get hurt.

"Had fun baby. He sat by me as he rubbed my tommy.

"Jay stop it tickles. I don't have a pregnant stomach yet I said as he just smiled.

"So its gonna be soon.

"Yeah about that how does kimie know about me being pregnant. This has to have your name written all over it seeing that you to r very close. I said as he kissed my stomach.

"I have my ways besides aren't you happy the crazy sisters are united again. I hitted his arm lightly

"Were not crazy. Were just like to fight other people.

"Mhmm. Ima find something to eat im starving.

"Ok babe. I'll be taking a shower. He got up and went up stairs.

I looked in the fridge to see there was nothing good. The cabinets was full of raman. Like why the hell he has so much raman. As I pulled the pack out the door bell rang.

"Nigga im coming. I stopped what I was doing and went to see.

As I opened the door there was standing E.

"Hey....E what..... before I knew it I felt a sting in my neck as I passed out.

Kim pov

"Thank you kookie. I think I'm the happiest girl here. I said as I held on to his arm as we walked the streets.

"I think this calls for a kiss. He pucker up his lips as I laughed. I gave him a quick kiss as we continued walking.

Time passed I was getting tired. I was so tired of walking I wanted to stop.

"Cant......walk anymore to far... I said as I was tired.

"Then get on my back he keeled down as I looked at him crazy.

"If your tired get on it. Your not heavy after all we did things standing. He winked as I rolled my eyes.

"Yahhh! Didnt we agree not to bring that up.

"Ill stop bringing it up if you get your ass on my back. I yelled at defeat as I jumped on it. I thought he was gonna fall bug didny.

"Mhmm what's that.

"You will see".

We walked until we got far away. It was g long enough until we were walking on top of a hill. Jung kook may be a bad guy but he is my bad guy. I loved him dearly and was glad that he supported the decision I made. I got in to art school but it was in busan. Somewhere I wasnt to famliar with. He was mad that it was so far but he had no choice. It was my dream for and now that all the ahrd work paid off I got in. We came to a complete stop as he put me down.

"Jung kook what are you doing I laughed.

"Stay here. And dont open your eyes. I was curious on what was going on.

"PSURPRISE!! I looked to see that there was a basket of food and a laptop.

"I wanted to have a graduation gift. I hope this was enough. The guys cooked most of the food. Sorry if that wasnt enough. Im a bad cook. He said

I was surprised. This is what I always wanted the simplest things made my heart jump. Especially him trying to be a romantic. I hugged him as he hugged me back.

"This is perfect. I was really thankful for him being a good boyfriend.

We went to sit as he set up the laptop as we watched a korean drama called I remember you. It was the most perfect thing ever. After all eating and laughing and watching tv I became tired. Jungkook was fast asleep and I needed to pee. I grabbed some tissue and went behind a bush and pee. I started to get scared as I hurried something. I hurried and did my business and went back. I held my fist up like I was gonna fight. Walking fast I saw that kookie wasnt there. I looked all around to see it was ji.

"Hello beautiful its been a long times since we saw each other. He said as he had his hand in his pocket.

"Fuck you where is kookie!

"Somewhere but come with me. He started to pull my hand as I punched him with my left.

"Im not going back to him! He can kill me dead im not going back. I yelled as he laughed.

"If its a fight you want a fight you get. Bring it. He held up his fist as he swong first.

I dodged his hits but then I felt a sting in my neck I stopped as I took wht ever was out.

"You crazy... he knocked me out before I could finish anything.

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