Chapter 8

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Youngbae pov

"Can't we go home I'm tired she isn't here. Seungri said as he was standing there.

"Yeah youngbae she's gone. But yet she left her clothes.

Walking to see what she left I see all the things I bought for her. From sunglasses to hats and many crop tops she left that behind. Yanking the clothes I held tight to me. She is my one and only I let go. I will get her back with no choice. I was so stupid to let her go knowing that she would be like this.

"Don't worry about it they will come sooner or later but for now let's just give them a warning. Taking out a match I lit it up and threw it on the ground watching all the things that was for her burn.

"Soon Kim you will return to me and I won't take it nicely when I do get you back! You belong to me and only me. Walking away from the fire we drove off.

"Seunghyun make sure you find out where she is working and also ji find out where this guy lives were gonna pay him a visit.

Jungkook is not gonna get away from shooting me and also kissing her.

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