lets not

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Kim pov

As soon as we got home mrs. Jung had already made it in the house. When I walked in I saw kookie laying down. My heart dropped instantly seeing him like tht his shirt was bloody so was his face. Mrs. Jung started crying as I looked at the now dead kook.

"You said you was gonna bring him back! You promised! She sobbed on mr. Jung chest as she repeatedly hit his chest.

"Jungkook.... my eyes started to get watery it was something I never thought it would happen. As I looked I see his dad laughing. Why the fuck is he laughing at a matter like this.

"Gotcha! I heard someone say as he laughed.

What the fuck he isnt dead! I could feel my anger boil as he was sitting up holding his arm.

"I was just messing around kim dont get mad. I got shot on my arm thats all. He said while laughing.

"How can I not be mad, that's not something to play about. You could have really been dead leaving me and your mom in grief! I screamed angrily at him.

I was so angry about not I was ready to punch him,but I couldnt cause where I wanted to punch him is right in his arm. So I took the chance of walking away. As I walked away I heard my name being called but I ignored it.

As I went up stairs I suddenly got a call. It wad unknown which was weird I didn't answer it until I got another call agian but still unknown.

"Who the hell keeps on calling me. I decided to turn my phone off so I wouldnt have to deal with this. I went in my room to change into something more comfortable only to be disturbed by no other jungkook.

As I put on my shirt I felt his body wrapped around my back.

"Yeobo im sorry, I didnt mean to scare you like that I just thought.... I just thought it would make you worried about me if I did. But seeing how you reacted meant that you do care. He said against my back.

I felt a little better hearing his apology but something like that cant easily be forgiven easily. I tuned around only to see he was shirtless. His abs were so. So sexy and made him sexier. I felt my body heat up as if the room was heating up. His hands made way to my hair as he slightly brushed it to the side. He was about to brush the other side until I caught his hand. There was a side I didnt want no one to ever see. It always remind me everything that I gone through.

"Whats wrong? Why cant I see your eyes?

"There are things behind the eyes that should no one see. The beauty thats behind it doesn't make it better. His other hand moved mine as I closed my eyes shut.

The scar that reminds me that a father should never hit his child cause she didnt listen to one simple thing. This scar on my cheek bone taught me a lesson. A lesson that made me stronger but somewhat weak on the outside. I hide away all my cries,fears, love away cause im scared.

"What....what happened? Who did this? Who did this to such a person. He said as all I could do was just listen to his voice.

"Its no one that you know of. It was a long time ago that I wouldn't like to frankly speak on. I moved away from him as I reached for my pair of glasses my sleeved lifted up. I was to late to hide what was underneath when jungkook grabbed my hand. He pushed my sleeves up to reveal cuts on my arms. I tried pulling it away but he was to strong.

"Do you do this to your self? I didnt answer him until he raised his voice.

" Yes whats the big deal. He finally letted go as I pushed my sleves back down.

"Whats the big deal? Ge said sarcastically.

"The big deal is that you harm your self! Why do that to someone so...." So what amazing,beautiful,carefree! Look around kook, not everyone has a perfect life. Some might be so fucked up they choose to stay like this or they hide away everything locking it away hiding love,fears, and pain.

"Then why dont you just open up about it! You make things so complicated by never telling people how you feel or if your even ok! Some people care kim! Im one of those people who care more for you. Cant you fucking see, the things I do for you isnt anything like what I do for other people. People are terrified of me cause of who I am.

" Thats what he said until I fell to hard in love. He was the first to break through me! I thought he was the one for me jungkook! But I was so wrong. You wanna know why im not scared of you? Cause I hanged around that crowd. Being bad, stealing, fighting was something I was brought upon! Even before I met bae. But he was so different. He killed people to get what he want. I know that its life and something you make a choice on but i didnt want to be apart of that life. So lets not compare our life cause you dont know the half of my life!

I had finally lost it. Everything that I thought of came out. The fact that he wanted to compare our life wasnt something he shouldn't and cant do. He was ever so lucky to have a real family. A family that would love him and support him. When all I had was my sister who I rather call my family anyday.

"Im not tryimg to compare our life! Im fucking telling you that half of my shit and half of your shit you went through you should just fucking open up about it instead of hide it and hurting yourself! Do I really look like a bad guy to you! No Im not! And just to let you know you wasn't my first crush! It was the girl who tae fucked before you. Wait not before currently! He yelled at me.

It was like all his words hitting me like a bullet. He was right tae cheated on me even when we was together. But that. All jungkook told me was a lie. About how I was his first love and bull shit.

"How does it feel. How......before he could even finish I punched him in the nose.

"Fuck you fucking lying shit head! Your just like him! With those last words I stormed out of the room leaving this place.

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