chapter twenty nine

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I walked with Ashton, Jack, Niall and Michael through the airport, to the security and as we got there Ashton stopped. He turned to me, putting his carry on down on the floor before he pulled me close and kissed me. "I'll next be home for the summer." He said and I pouted.

"That long?" I questioned. It was now the start of February and summer started at the end of May. "Three months?"

Ashton sighed and simply hugged me, " I love you." He mumbled and kissed my forehead.

I closed my eyes and held him tightly before looking up at him and kissing his jaw. He looked down and our lips touched in a peck before I deepened it and Ashton moaned softly in to my mouth. "I love you too." I whispered.

"Please look after yourself, I threw out all razors and Michael is the only one who knows where they are so when you want to shave ask him." I nodded and Ashton hummed kissing my forehead before he gently stepped back. His hands still held mine until he began to back away. "You'll be okay." He said and I tried to nod. "If you're not okay, call me please."

"I will." I smiled.

Then Ashton had to let go of my hand. He picked up his bag and with my brother and Niall, he went through security and then he was gone again. For three months.

Michael took my hand in his, his other one holding Alex. He pulled me towards him and we headed back to the airport entrance and to my car in the large car park. We got in, Michael putting Alex in his car seat and then we headed home.

When we got there Michael put Alex in the bouncer and I headed in to kitchen, "Luke, can we talk?" He asked.

I opened the fridge getting out some orange juice and closed the fridge before sitting on the counter. "What about?" I asked, my legs swinging.

Michael sighed and he stood in the middle of the kitchen, "My Aunt and Uncle have offered to take me in."

My heart dropped and I stared at him, "Why? They haven't been in your life for a week."

Michael sighed, "They feel guilty about not being there and they moved back here and they just want to make things right again. So they asked me when I went out for dinner and I knew telling you will make you upset because of what just happened. But I don't have to go if you don't want me to." He rambled and I looked down at my feet, my black converse being old and worn out.

"When are you leaving?" I asked.

"If I say yes, straight away." Michael said. I frowned and simply nodded but Michael walked closer to me, "I really don't have to go if you don't want me to."

I looked up, my eyes on his and tears in my blue orbs. "N-No you should go." I gave him a fake smile. "You have a family now, that care about you, you should be with them."

I shook my head to myself and sniffled, "I'm gonna go to bed, it's been a long day." I jumped off the counter, putting the juice in the fridge before I went through the living room and then ran up the stairs, holding back tears. I entered mine and Ashton's room before I crawled under the covers, curling in to a ball and sobbing to myself.

I heard the door squeak open and I looked seeing no one but then Biggles jumped on the bed and she curled in to a ball after snuggling in between my arms. Her head lay in my neck and I sighed. She'd be going too. I kissed the kittens head, "I love you, you cutie." She simply licked my neck in return.


The next day at school I stayed silent in classes and simply did as told and got on with my work. At lunch I stayed quiet until a kid came up to me, "The principle asked for you to see him." The girl said and she looked just as confused as me.

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