chapter nineteen

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It was the start of December meaning it was getting closer until Ashton came home and also to Christmas which I was excited for.

And when Christmas comes, so does the decorations, hence why Michael, Alex and I were putting up the tree. Ashton didn't actually have his own tree so we brought one for this year and for future years. It was a leafy green colour so it looked nice.

We brought some decorations and currently a black haired Michael was on the step ladders as he put the tinsel at the top, winding it round and it stopped half way so I put another on, meeting it and it went to the bottom. "More or keep it like that?" I asked Michael.

"Colour scheme is silver, right?" Michael asked and I nodded. "More."

I smiled and got more silver and white tinsel and put it on the tree, I turned around to look at Alex and he had tinsel wrapped around his head and his body and barballs hooked on his ears. I giggled, taking out my phone and taking a photograph of the scene and told Michael to look, he looked down and sighed. "I hate children." He said.

"You better not hate my baby." I said protectively, holding my tummy a little. "Besides he looks cute."

"Not when you had to have glittery barballs and now it's on his face." Michael huffed and took the barballs off of Alex and put them in the box, and unravelling him from the tinsel. Michael set Alex on the sofa and we continued with the tree and at the end Michael lifted Alex on to his shoulders and made him put the star on the tree.

I took a photo of Michael and Alex in front of the tree and sent it to Ashton before posting it on Twitter and Instagram and people called it cute and it got a few hundred likes. Then Ashton called me.

I answered ur after a few rings, "Hi."

"Hello princess." Ashton chuckled. "Since when did I own a Christmas tree?"

"Since last week. You needed one if we're having a family together, Ash." I told him. "And besides the tree looks pretty, and your house will look so Christmas-y by the time I'm done." I grinned, going in to the kitchen to talk alone.

"Well seeing as it's you, I will let it slide." Ashton sighed, "I hate you sometimes Luke."

"But you love me when I suck your dick." I teased.

"Well yeah, you're sucking my dick, why wouldn't I love you." Ashton scoffed, "It's like you don't know my priorities."

"You're rude." I told him, "So what do you want for Christmas?" I asked.

"You." Ashton said making me roll my eyes. "Dressed in a cute Santa costume that shows off your legs." Ashton said and I couldn't help but think about my bump in that outfit.

"But I'll have more of a belly then, Ashy, we should also know the gender by the end of December" I reminded him, "So before Christmas, on the 19th I have a doctors appointment for the gender and then its Louis' birthday and oh--Liam's coming here to visit." I grinned.

"Won't that be awkward? 'Cause Niall and Zayn will be there." I sighed.

"Yeah it will, won't it?" I sighed, "Um should we keep Niall away from them so he doesn't get hit by Liam?" I asked. I'd rather a fight didn't happen while at Louis' house, especially at Christmas and on his birthday.

"Yeah, well it's only small isn't it?" I told him it was, "Then we just get Niall drunk, because he tends to sleep a lot when he's drunk and it'll be less awkward."

I agreed, "Yeah, that's a good idea."

"You know our anniversary was this month, but since I wasn't there I didn't say anything so when I'm home we're spending a day together. It'd been one year since I asked you to be my boyfriend at the camping trip." Ashton said and honestly, I had forgotten. "Like not counting when we broke up."

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