chapter nine

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I had been in Gold Coast for about a week and since then Nathan and Kim and more people off the cheer squad had contacted me about my where abouts and I simply said I needed to be away for a little while.

And I was staying at Jacks flat, in Ashton's bed because Ashton still thought I would come back to my own home. I'd rather not. Michael knew where I was but he swore to secrecy not to tell anyone.

But right now I was cuddling on the sofa with Isaac at his flat, Garret across the room. He was a little jealous that I was somewhat with his brother since I slept with Garret. But he was smug because he got to me first.

Isaac and I hadn't done anything together sexually, he hadn't given me a dirty joke or made a pass at me or touched my ass and I was wondering why. So when Garret had gone to his work, I asked.

"I'm asexual." Isaac said softly. "I don't feel the need to do that stuff because either way I won't like it, and my sex drive is low anyway." He shrugged a little.

"You don't like sex?" I questioned.

"I do, but I don't think it's necessary to do that with someone so when I date them, I tend to just not touch a person in that way." He said, and I nodded understanding.

"I get it." I said, cuddling a little closer. "I like cuddles anyway."

Isaac pecked my lips softly, "When have you decided to go home?" He asked.

"I-I don't know." I admitted. "I want to see my friends but since being here I made new friends and there's you as well." I smiled, looking up at him from where my head lay on his chest.

"So I'm more than a friend?"

I nodded softly.

"What am I?" He questioned.

"I'm not sure. We haven't even been on a date." I giggled, and then he put a hand through my hair and I kissed his neck chastely. "I like you Isaac."

"More than sleeping in your ex's bed?" He asked, making me pout.

"Hey, don't bring that up. I need an actual place to stay, not just a hotel." I said with a small sigh, "Besides he's not there and the sofa is leather and I can't sleep on it."

"You could just stay here." He offered but I shook my head no.

"I've not seen my brother for weeks, I wanted to stay there."

"Okay." He kissed my forehead. "But if he comes home and you're there, do not hesitate to come to me." I nodded and he kissed my nose and then my lips again making me smile. "I like you too, Luke."


When I drove the hour long drive back to Jacks flat, I grabbed my bag and slammed my door shut before heading inside as I now knew the code to get in. I went up the elevator and then to the floor, stopping outside the door and opening it with the spare key I had.

I closed the door behind me and looked up and my mouth opened and then closed.

"Luke?" Ashton asked.

"Fucking hell." I muttered, "Of course you're here."

"It's my house." Ashton said, he started to come closer but I held my hand out.

"Don't, leave me alone." I said. "I just want to shower and then go to sleep, please." I begged.

"Why are you here?" Ashton ignored my words and asked instead.

"I was in Gold Coast and decided to stay here for a bit." I said quietly.

"So that's why I found some panties in my room." Ashton smirked. "You can have a shower." He said suddenly, making me narrow my eyes at him in suspicion.

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