chapter fifteen

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At school again on Monday I was staying behind in History, I was one of the top students because of me being in the class last year and having Aleshia tutor me and having a boyfriend as a History buff too was cool. So I was with Mr Thompson in the classroom, talking about the Civil War or something and I was confused.

"I don't get why he would try and over throw the president or whatever, it was a stupid idea if so many people died."

"That's the point, you have to say the good and bad things about it Luke." He said.

"But the cons out weigh the pros." I sighed.

"Okay, let's take a break." He sighed. "Your boyfriend was easier to teach." He said, standing up.

I sighed, "I know, Ashton tends to take in more information." I mumbled, getting out my water bottle. "Hey, um, Sir. I met your husband two weeks ago." I said.

Mr Thompson looked up at me, "Really? Where?" He asked.

"At his work." I said quietly and then Mr Thompson frowned.

"He works at a private clinic for-"

"-For pregnancies." I finished, sipping from my water bottle. I looked up at Mr Thompson and he shook his head. "Yeah, I'm pregnant." I sighed.

"Oh Luke." My teacher sighed and sat down again, across from me. "When?"

"Do you remember when I ran off like last month?" He nodded, "The night I came back home, Ashton and I made up and then three weeks later I took a pregnancy test." I looked down at my hands, not wanting to see his disappointed look. "I'm about a month and a half along."

"And what did you talk to my husband about?" He asked.

"He told me I was pregnant, because I wasn't sure, which made Ashton run out. He gave me a scan and he was really nice. I asked him not to tell you I was there." I said quietly. "Sir, do you have kids?" I asked looking up at him again.

He nodded, "Yes, three of them."

"Did you adopt?"

He shook his head, "I gave birth to all three, I was eighteen when I had my first."

"Did you want to keep the baby?" I asked.

"Yes, because I made it with my husband, who I loved, and still do. It was hard to cope when she was born but she's got her own kids now, a baby girl, my daughter is the greatest thing to ever happen to me and my husband." He smiled, "Are you still deciding whether to keep the baby or not?"

"My family don't want me to keep it, they want me to give it up for adoption or fostering and I want to keep my little egg and look after him or her when they're born. But they said no because I'm too young but Michael was only just seventeen and he got to keep Alex but my own mother won't let her son keep his and I'm just do confused because Ashton said he didn't want egg, but he's only trying because he loves me-"

"Breathe Luke." Mr Thompson said. "Calm down, you're getting worked up."

I hadn't even noticed I was breathing irregularly until he said this. So I ran my hands throughly hair and tugged before putting my head on the table. "I don't know what to do, Sir." I whimpered.

Mr Thompson hugged me and soothed me till I stopped crying and my breathing was normal again. "Just breathe Luke."

I sniffled. "None of my friends know. Louis and Zayn are oblivious to it all and I want to tell them but my mum said not to and I'm afraid she's ashamed of me even though she loves Mikey's kid so much." I sniffled again. "I just want to keep my baby and to be happy."

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