chapter fourteen

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Ashton had to leave again to Brisbane and I was left alone to have a long conversation with Anne, William, Mum and Dad. Right now we were at the Irwins dinner table with condoms in front of me. "Seeing as my son doesn't know how to use a condom, we're relying on you Luke." Anne said.

"He knows, we were just in a car and didn't have one." I protested, sighing.

My mums mouth fell open, "You conceived your child in your car?" she asked shocked.

"I wasn't meant to get pregnant, you said I couldn't!" I said raising my voice a little.

"You should've used a condom anyway, you could have had AID's Luke." Mum said and I sighed loudly, letting my head fall to the table, making a smacking sound. "Honey, were only trying to help."

"I don't need help, what I need is for Ashton to want this egg like I do."

"Egg?" Anne asked.

"Ash didn't want to call egg an it, so we decided with egg." I said, scratching my chin, I was starting to grow some scuff, I didn't like it. I liked being smooth and hair free. "But he doesn't want egg."

"Why not?" Anne asked, "He's great with kids."

"Apparently not when they're his own." I said, resting my head in my arms. "I don't know why, but he honestly doesn't want this baby."

"We should consider options Luke." William said and I watched as he slid me a small pile of papers. "The private clinic you went to, also do abortions, all completely legal, safe and quick."

I gulped, looking at the paper. "I don't want an abortion, I'm not murdering my baby."

"Okay, what about Adoption or fostering so when you and Ash are ready for a baby, you can have custody for egg." William said and I stared at him.

"Do you not want me to have this baby? Is this because of Ashton?" I asked, "Like I thought we were over this when he went off to college."

William sighed, "Luke he got you pregnant, I am more mad at my son than you." I gulped before nodding. "Are you willing to put the baby up for adoption or foster?"

"I still want to see egg." I said quietly, "So foster."

"That's a good choice." Anne smiled, "We have a family friend who adopt children every few years and when the baby is born, we can let them have egg until you're ready to have egg back again."

My eyes flickered to her eyes to the piece of paper about fostering. "Do I have to make a decision right now?"

"Of course not honey." Mum said, kissing my forehead. "I honestly don't blame you, me and your father didn't know you could have a baby. We were informed that you couldn't."

"You were informed wrong." I sighed, "But Ash and I have had unprotected sex before this and we were fine, why did it happen now?"

"Maybe the little swimmers only just wanted to get through." My dad said making me roll my eyes at him. "Okay sorry, just trying to lighten the situation."

Then we moved on, "Where will the baby stay? If you keep egg."

"With me." I said instantly. "It's my baby, Ash doesn't want egg so I will."

"Luke egg can't stay with us, there's not enough room." Mum said making me stare at her with wide eyes.

"Then egg will stay in my room, with me. I'll look after my own baby." I snapped.

"We have Alex, Michael, Ben, you, me, Ethan. The house can only fit so many people, honey." Mum put her hand on my shoulder. "Maybe egg could stay here, with Anne and Will."

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