chapter twenty four

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"I promise I'll be back really soon, okay?" I nodded. "It's four months, I'll be back early so I don't miss the birth."

Ashton placed a kiss on my forehead as we waited outside of security, as I couldn't go past there, unless I was going too, and sadly I couldn't because I had school tomorrow. And I had to practise my cheer routine for the competition.

"Love you." I mumbled, leaning up on my tip toes to kiss his nose and then his lips. "Ill see you soon."

"You're gonna be so big when I do." Ashton smiled softly and I kissed his nose again. "Be good for me, yeah? And be careful in cheer, and stop when you get to six months, I don't want you hurting yourself. Look after Alex and Michael. Talk to your mum again, please?"

I nodded and Ashton hugged me tightly, kissing my forehead before he stepped back, "I'll see you soon beautiful." He pecked my lips one last time before I quickly hugged Jack and Niall and the three of them headed through security.

Ashton waved to me once he was out and then he began to walk away to his gate and I pouted but let him leave. "Fuck." I mumbled.

Michael hugged me from behind and kissed my cheek, "It's okay, let's go home yeah?"

I nodded and I drove us back to Ashton's house. When we arrived I slumped on the sofa and sighed heavily. I lay back and put my hands on my growing tummy, being nearly five months was a struggle because my bump was slightly noticeable through my clothes. Michael sat down beside me and took my hand in his.

"What even happened on New Years?" Michael asked.

"Oh you know." I said, sighing.

"I do but I still can't get my head around it." Michael chuckled making me look at him. He turned to me before leaning forward and kissing my lips chastely, and I let him. "It was nice."

"And it's only happening once, not again. Besides Calum apologised the day after." Michael nodded at my words.

"I know. Thanks by the way, it distracted me from Calum." I nodded and stood up.

"I'm going to go nap, wake me up when it's dinner time." Michael nodded, "I'll call in for a pizza."

After my nap, I had called up for a pizza and they delivered two large pizzas for Michael and I, Alex wasn't here, he was with Calum and his family as Michael needed a little break. We ate our pizza while watching the lion king and cuddling and once my food was finished, I lay my head on Michael's lap and closed my eyes. I already missed Ashton, he would be cuddling me right now, he'd be telling me I was okay and to sleep and he'd massage my feet.

But then I felt a tightening in my stomach and I stood up and ran upstairs to the bathroom, skidding to my knees in front of the toilet and puking up the pizza I'd eaten. I heard Michael following and he sat behind me, his legs around my body and his hand rubbing soothing circles on my back. I continued to puke up my guts and Michael kissed my neck softly, soothing me.

When it was over, Michael ran his hand through my hair and kissed my forehead, "It's okay, morning sickness after dinner is normal."

"I don't like it." I whined.

"I only puke three times." Michael said rubbing my tummy.

"You're lucky." I sighed out. "I need a nap." I sighed out.

"We'll go to bed now and I'll get Alex from Calum and just relax, brush your teeth, because you have school tomorrow and I want you to relax." Michael said. He helped me up and in to mine and Ashton's bed and he tucked me in and kissed my forehead and I fell asleep when I heard the front door slam.

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