chapter twenty five*

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thats the size of lukes tummy btw

warning: long and eventful chapter with scenes you may not like, I'm sorry in advance, possibly triggering

This was by far the hardest chapter to ever write in my entire life I am so sorry, you can skip parts if you like if it's too much


I was seated beside Nathan on the bus to the cheer championships and I was excited for it to happen. My head lay on Nathan's shoulder as I listened Taylor Swift's album, This Is Love playing loudly in my ears as I looked out the window and watched the house go by and then in to the city where the completion was held.

Nathan tapped my shoulder and I looked up at him, pulling out a headphone and looking at where he pointed to see Angie vomiting in a bucket near the front of the bus. I scrunch my nose up and looked up at Nathan. "The cheer board don't allow sick cheerleaders to take part as they may puke during the routine."

"But she was doing my part, I'm the only other person who knows it." I said and Nathan nodded. "Oh fuck." I grumbled, stuffing my headphones back in.

After another twenty minutes Kim came over to us, and I took out my headphone again. She looked to me and instantly I knew what it was about, "I told Ashton I wouldn't do it." I said, resting my hands on my bump. "I-I can't."

Kim kneeled down to us, "This routine is three minutes long, you do three lifts and then we are done. I promise you'll be okay, Luke." She had her puppy dog eyes on and I frowned before sighing.

"Okay, but then I'm not doing cheer until my baby is born, you hear me?" Kim nodded and thanked me, before going to the front of the bus.

"You'll be okay, right?" Nathan asked and I sighed before nodding.

"I'll be fine, it'll be over before I know it."

I took my headphones out of my phone and went to my contacts, calling Ashton up as it was a Thursday and he didn't have a class on Thursday mornings. Ashton answered, sounding tired and I apologised for waking him up. "It's okay, what's up?" He asked.

"Yeah, I just wanted to say that I have to fill in for someone else on the cheer squad because she's sick. I have to be a flyer, meaning I'll be thrown up three times." I explained.

"So you have to do the hardest parts with a five month old pregnant belly?" Ashton scoffed, "Where the fuck is Kim, let me talk to her."

"Ashton I'll be fine." I assured him, leaning on Nathan again and he had a hand on my tummy, soothing me from the stress of the situation. "It's for three minutes of my life, I swear I'll be okay."

"You promise me?" Ashton asked.

"Of course, I love you." I smiled, "I'll text you later yeah?"

Ashton sighed, "I love you too. Call me as soon as the routine is done princess."

I hummed, "Okay Dad."

"It's Daddy to you mister." Ashton giggled in to phone and I smiled lazily.

"I know Ash, we can Skype later yeah?" Ashton hummed and said okay. "I'll let you go back to bed, wish me luck."

"Break a leg baby boy, love you."

"Love you too."

We soon arrived at the meeting and there were other buses here and Kim grouped us together, we didn't have a teacher as she was a senior and school president, so she was highly trusted with fifteen other kids. We all got our bags and headed inside, Kim signing us in before she gave us all a piece of paper, which we had to sign saying the organisation weren't responsible for any accidents. I signed it quickly and I had to tick through some things and put my name and sign it.

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