Chapter 20/21

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*waits for applause and throwing of flowers and yelling of compliments*
*nothing happens*
Dang it.
Ahem,please do excuse my language.
Also,you know you swam to much when as soon as you get home,the next day your ear hurts like h*ll and your doctor says that you have an ear infection from swimming so much.
It's also two in morning,and I can't sleep at all because of ear pain,and I'm still adjusting to the time here.But anyways,time to read more of that terrible fanfic.
21....The Big Battle fight

Kornos came on the hill like a ferris monster but like 666 times sexier.

"666"My immortal flashbacks anyone?

He was wearing black and gold armer that was all ripped so you could see his kortz (thats like a white crystal) pale mussles.

Quartz pale muscles.The f*ck Flavia?

He waved a sythe mencingly. "I WILL KILL ALL YOU FUCKING PREPS" He yelled,

At this point I have now lost all hope for humanity.

I was horrorfied at this cause obvious I was not a prep cause I was wearing ripped black skinny jeans and a lether jacket with a skull zippar and dark eyeliner the color of cresent moon earrings and skull earrings to reprasent the monsters I kill.

Why is it,that in every bad fanfic,they have to write an entire paragraph just for clothing.
I mean,whenever I write stories,this how I write clothes.
"I wore jeans,and a purple tee.The end."

But then all the monsters ran towards me! I pulled out Agamemnons sharp blade and castigated a monitar, it screemed in solid pain. Then I grabbed a big ax that was laying by a tree and cut him in small peaces.

Oh noes!
It's the return of the monitors!!

"KAWAAAAAIIIII KAWAAAAIIIII" Yelled a empusa in japanse but I shot a arrow in its heart and I knew it was dead.

I'm not sure how to feel about this.

Somebody shot an arrow at me but it bounced off cause I was wearing tiger skin! I turned to see it was standing there.....KRONOS! "You bastard prep fucker" I said throwing my ax at him but a telakine got in the way by mistake an it cleeved him in halfs.

How would wearing tiger skin make you invincible?

But then Percy came running with his big sword Ruptide that was acutely a pen, "Die Kronos!" He yelled sexly stabbing Kornos in the ankles.

How do you yell sexly?
And Ruptide?

"No you bastard!" I yelled but it was too late, Kornos yelled THE BIG WORD! It was undiscribabble so I cant write it down but it was the worst word anyone ever heard in the life an 6 hunteresses droppd dead just cause they heard it.


Kornos laughed meanly, "That was the first haf of the word of I find the other half I will kill the gods in Olympics an I will be INVISIBLE no one can stop me" Then he misted away.

Wait,I think I know the full word!
Here it is..

There was no time to fight with him cause there was too many monsters, I shot a whole bunch of them dead with bows and arrows. Then all my arrows were run out so I satbbed them with Agamemmon and swung Telmelchus with dead force and cut monsters into many size peaces. I took the ax and cut a lot of monsters cause I was spinning ina circle really fast, when they were all dead I derided I would keep this ax and I named it Akilles. (geddit like "I kill dese") It was a mighty weapon marked from monster blood on the handle which was black lether an the blade was all silver with a cresent moon and a Artmeis sign.

And once again,Flavia has 100 arms.

Then there were no monsters left cause the corpuds all turned into dust and was sucked into Tarterus like a vacum cleaner of death. I saw something on the ground, it was Albaster exept he was Dead. I was happy cause the monster claws ripped his jacket, under it I could see a hollister shirt, he was a prep all the time teh stupid poser. Anyways he was dead an I didn't like him anymore but I cryed one single silver tear cause we made out that once I burned his corpus.

Um..what just happened in this paragraph?

Suddenly there was a sliver glow in the sky, everyone stopped and looked at it an it was the silverest light in the world. I knew right away it was.....Artmeis!

I knew it was Artmeis and not Artemis!

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