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Chapter 11.....Flite

We were still on the dessert the next day, I woke up and got dressed. I knew that now I had to win back the longing of Nivo's silver raze of admaration and love, to do this I must use the big female weapon...Lusting!

Don't you mean Seduction?
And yes,you can win back the longing of Nivo.
Not Nico.

I wasn't a slut

You sure about that?

but I needed him to love me and it was kind of a little fun because I knew I could not date after Artmeis.

....Then just don't be a hunter!It's that f*cking easy!

So I stayed in only my bra but I changed to a new one that was silver and had glowing threads that matched my eyes.

I thought it was gold.
(Sorry not sorry.)

Also I wore a black lether mini skirt that was black as Nico's despare in the pits of the nights last gloom.

Uh,what?That does no make sense whatsoever.

Lastly I put black cole on my eyes and eyelashes

Now I have a picture in my head of Flavia having rocks on her eyes.

so I was very, very pale even more than usually. I brushed my teeth that were sharp cause the empusa cursed, I used tooth paste from a was crest so it made them very white.

Alright guys,never use Crest again.

I walked to where everybody else was sleeping, they were sleeping in the gold sand, lucky it was hot in the dessert and we needed no blankets so I could see Nico sleeping without his shirt. The sun dassled his statue abs and his pecks were like pale plates. I felt them and made out with him a little, he was still sleeping (but it was ok because I knew that he wanted me to.)


Then he woke up and so did Albaster and Ivy. Nico's shirty were all ripped up so he couldn't put it back on, so I was happy. Ivy dressed slutly in a cut off tank top and mini pants and leaf earrings and green lipstick cause she was a Dryad.

Ivy dressed better than you at least.

Alblaster whore a kammo pants and he had no shirt too.

.....There is something wrong with this sentence Flavia.

"Hey Nico" I said sexly.

"Hi Flaiva we must fight Kornos," He said welding his iron sword. "Or, he will return and the world will feel his wait."

Hah.She just got ignored.
Solangelo is saved!

"How far do we walk until Nox City," Wined Ivy she was tired already!

Albaster nodded wisely:"We must cross the dessert and then some other things and it'll be with in our site."

"And then some other things."
You sound like my science teacher.
She literally wrote on the schedule board,Stuff.

It was long on the sands stretching in front of us like golden sand. People died in this dessert, there were skeletons and everything. Buzzers flew over our heads to taste of the human Flesh.

Uh,Buzzers?Don't you mean Vultures?

Some wild hores ran over the hill with there manes and tails flying in the dessert wind,

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