06: Right Next To You

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06: Right Next To You

“I’m taking her for the night.”

AJ sits quietly in her room as she listens to her brother and Sonny talking. All she can do is hope that Sonny doesn’t say no because then she really wouldn't know what to do. She just wants to get out and as far away as she can.

Fine, take her. She’s a little whore, anyway. Just bring her back in the morning. I want to talk to her.”

AJ bites back tears. “I hate him,” she whispers to herself. She hugs her knees to her chest, wiping her tears.

“What the hell about?” Andy asks sternly.

“Nothing that involves you,” Sonny answers. “Just go, take her before I change my mind.”

She lets out a shaky breath as she hears footsteps approaching her door. She quickly wipes her face as the door swings open, revealing her brother.

“Get your stuff, we’re going,” he tells her. “Bring whatever you need, okay?”

She nods and slowly stands. She quickly gathers her a few pairs of jeans and shirts puts them in a bag. Then she grabs a few things from her drawers and her makeup bag. She looks over at her brother and he smiles at her.

“Ready?” He asks.

She nods. “Should I bring anything else?”

He shrugs. “Whatever you want.”

She nods and grabs her iPod, shoving chargers in her bag. She grabs her phone and puts it in her pocket before slipping her feet into her converse. “I think I’m ready,” she tells him.

He nods and grabs her bag. “Come on, squirt,” he says to her, trying to lighten the mood with a smile. She walks close to her brother, fearing that Sonny will try to grab her or something.

She follows her brother out of her apartment without making any contact with her father. On the way next door, she learns that his parole officer would be spending the night, since he is drunk.

“Just make yourself at home,” he tells her as he closes the door. “I’ll put your stuff in the spare room.”

“Thanks,” she tells him with a smile. “You’re a good brother, Andy.”

He smiles and kisses her head. “It’s my job.”

She rolls her eyes and pushes him playfully. He chuckles and goes off to put her things away. AJ walks into his small living room, making herself comfortable. She turns on the television and then checks her phone. She feels slightly relieved and safer knowing she was away from him.

“You want me to order food? Are you hungry?” Andy asks as he returns into the room.

“Chinese?” AJ asks with a smile.

He laughs. “Alright, I’ll go call.”

While he’s gone, she checks her phone for any new messages. She had two: one from Zayn and another from Harry. Her face scrunches with confusion.

“Why is Harry texting me?” she asks out loud as she opens the message first. He never texts her. They only exchanged number at the hospital to be polite. She had never had a full blown conversation with him, so why start now?

Your boyfriend is really pissed at Sonny. Where are you? .xx

AJ sighs and replies to him. Great. Just what she needs, Zayn in one of his mood swings. After replying to him, she reads Zayn’s message.

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