Chapter 32

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A few minutes later and Drake was already warming up to Mindy.

Mindy: So, how long have you known Jack for?

Drake: Well, we haven't spoken to each other. I guess since I dated Jill and we kept ourselves distant.

Mindy: Why would you two keep yourselves away from each other?

Jack: I think it's mostly the fact that Jill found someone that's right for her?

Drake: I'm sorry Jack. I really am.

Jack: It's okay. I'm lust glad she found someone other than me.

Mindy then put her hand on Jack's shoulder. She felt bad for him as he looked down at the ground.

Jack: I hope she's doing well.

Just then, the door knocked and Jack got up. He headed to the door and unlocked it. He looked to see who was on the other side and saw Rusty.

Rusty: Hi Jack.

Jack: Hi Ruben. How have you been?

Rusty: I'm surprised you remember that nickname. Well, I've been good so far. How about you?

Jack: I've been doing good too. What is it you need?

Rusty: I was wondering if I could spend the night with you. You did the same with me, so I wanted to do the same.

Jack: Aw. You missed me didn't you?

Rusty: I guess I did.

Jack put his hand on Rusty's cheek and he looked at Jack. He put his hand on top of Jack's hand and blushed a little.

Rusty: I did miss you.

Jack: Heh. I knew you did. You are so adorable.

Drake: Oi. Are you two done flirting over there?

Rusty walked inside the house and Jack closed the door.

Rusty: Who are they?

Jack: That's my mom and that is Drake. He's someone I've known before we went our separate ways.

Rusty: Well, your mother is beautiful. It's no wonder she raised a handsome boy like you.

Mindy: Thank you for the compliment.

Rusty: I guess you're Drake?

Drake: Yeah. That's me. I died sometime before and was brought to hell. I did manage to escape though.

Rusty: How did you die?

Jack: I don't know if he wants to talk about that.

Rusty: Oh sorry. You must have had a tough life before.

Drake: My life wasn't tough. I just don't like to talk about my death.

Rusty: I'm sorry for bringing it up.

Drake: It's okay. Please keep p that I mind.

Rusty: I will.

Mindy: Didn't Jack tell me about you some years ago?

Jack: I did tell mom about you being a bully.

Rusty closed his eyes and looked down. He was extremely remorseful for what he did. He even shed a tear.

Rusty: What I did was wrong. You see, I actually had a crush on Jack when I first saw him. I told my parents about this and they didn't like that one bit. Since that day, I began to bully Jack. I was afraid of how he would think of me. When my parents died, I was taken in to be Autumn's adoptive brother. When Jack fought back, I felt really bad for what I did. It turned out we had the same feelings for each other. Since I apologized to Jack and admitted my feelings for him, we started dating. I hope you can forgive me.

Mindy got up from her spot and walked towards Rusty. She hugged him and felt bad for him. Drake also got up and did the same.

Mindy: I'm so sorry for how your life was.

Drake: Same here.

Rusty: Thank you.

Mindy and Drake stopped hugging him and he looked at Jack. Jack then walked towards him and patted his shoulder.

Jack: I don't know how to comfort someone. I'm sorry if I'm doing a terrible job.

Rusty: Don't worry. At least I know we're together.

Jack: You wanted us to be a couple for a while huh?

Rusty: Yeah.

Jack: Hey mom. Is it okay if Rusty spends the night?

Mindy: Of course he can. I don't see why not.

Rusty: Yes. Thank you.

Drake: Just don't break the bed tonight.

Jack and Rusty blushed and Rusty buried his face in Jack's chest.

Jack: We are 17. We can't you know what.

Drake: I know. But, you guys are a couple. Not to mention that you two are probably close to being 18.

Rusty: I know. Our birthdays our 3 days apart.

Drake: I told you.

Jack: Fine. We won't break the bed because we aren't old enough yet.

Drake: You guys will eventually. You'll see.

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