Chapter 21

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Jack and Autumn were heading to their first class.

Autumn: I want to know. Do you wanna hangout with me and Ruben after school?

Jack: I have to head to the drama theatre. We usually practice our songs there.

Autumn: Is it okay if we visit?

Jack: I don't mind. As long as your parents know, I'm fine with it.

Autumn: They'll know. See you at third class.

Jack: See ya.

Jack was about to continue walking to his first class when he saw a shadow over him. He recognized it before he turned around.

Jack: Zech. I know it's you.

Zech: I wasn't trying to scare you Jack.

Jack: I know, but you couldn't anyway because I knew that was your shadow. Is this about me finding out why Rusty was bullying me?

Zech: Indeed.

Jack: He said to me that he actually had a crush on me.

Zech: But, what was the reason for bullying you?

Jack: He told me his parents were homophobic and thought that I would feel the same. His parents died and he became Autumn's adopted brother.

Zech: He must gone through quite a lot.

Jack: From what he said to me, it did. But, Autumn and his parents accepted him for who he is. Now, me and Rusty are dating.

Zech: I'm glad to know you were able to help be a better person. I knew it.

Jack: Well, I better get to my class. See ya.

Zech: Bye Jack.

Jack walked to his class and noticed Damian behind him. He sighed and hated himself for yesterday. He then flew a hand touch his shoulder.

Damian: Hi Jack.

Jack: Hi. I'm surprised you haven't yelled at me because of what I said yesterday.

Damian: It's because it's true. I was just lonely and that I had nobody to talk to.

Jack: I'm sorry for how it was going when I left.

Damian: You don't have to apologize. If anyone should, it's me. I'm sorry for being a terrible cousin. I'm sorry for every bit of pain I caused you.

Damian looked down at the ground thinking Jack won't accept his apology. Then, he felt a hug from his cousin. Damian hugged back while shedding a tear.

Jack: I forgive you, but I'll never forget. You can still change for the better.

Damian: Thank you Jack.

Jack wiped Damian's tear away from his face.

Jack: Are you feeling better now?

Damian: Yeah.

Jack smiled and patted his cousin's shoulder. They walked with each other to the first class. They arrived in the class and sat down.

Carrie saw the two getting along and smiled

Carrie: I'm glad to see you two getting along now.

Jack: I'm glad we are. Although, it's gonna take me some time to get used to the new Damian.

Damian: Yeah. Especially after all the pain I've put Jack through. Surprisingly, he accepted my apology.

Jack: You know I care about you. Even though after everything you did. I'm glad you're a better person.

Damian: I am too. Hey, I couldn't help but to ask. Who were those two with you earlier?

Jack: That was Autumn and Rusty.

Damian: Oh yeah. I remember those two. They had an argument last week.

Jack: I didn't know that.

Damian: Wanna know what I also noticed?

Jack: What?

Damian: You and that yellow dog were holding hands.

Carrie looked at Jack and thought she heard something else.

Carrie: Did I hear that correctly?

Jack: You did. Me and Rusty are dating now.

Everyone in the class looked at Jack with a surprised look on their face.

Everyone: Oooooooooooh.

Jack: I know. He had a crush on me when we first met, but his parents didn't like that. He's living with Autumn and they accept him for being gay.

Damian: I thought you were straight. Wait, did you also have a crush on Rusty?

Jack: Yeah, but I was too afraid to admit it.

Damian: Maybe you can lose your virginity when you reach the age of consent.

Jack: Can we not continue talking about this?

Zill: Talk about what?

Damian: Jack is dating Rusty.

Zill: Is that true Jack?

Jack: It is.

Zill: I never thought you would be dating you bully.

Jack: Why do I have a feeling that you guys know me and Rusty are dating is gonna spread like wildfire?

Damian: It is. Everyone in the class heard our conversation.

Jack: I hope I don't get embarrassed.

Zill: Don't worry. I'm sure they'll accept you toe being a couple.

Zoophobia: A Jackals RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now