Chapter 19

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Leeson got up and decided to head home for the day. He grabbed his Bible and proceeded to walk home. It started to rain and he didn't bring his umbrella.

Leeson: This is just great. I don't have my umbrella.

Someone appeared next to him and put an umbrella over him.

Jack: Hey there.

Leeson: Thank you Jack. I thought I was gonna walk home covered in water.

Jack: Don't worry. I'll walk home with you.

Leeson: Thanks. I appreciate it.

Jack: No problem.

Jack and Leeson started walking to Leeson's house.

Leeson: Oh hey. Have you figured who gave you the curse?

Jack: Yeah. My mom was the one that started it.

Leeson: Oh no. I'm so sorry to hear that.

Jack: It's okay. Besides, I don't think I can see her as my mom again. Not after what she did.

Leeson: But will you ever forgive her?

Jack: I'll forgive her, but I'll never forget.

Leeson: Well, you can't be mad at her forever.

Jack: I know, but I just feel like I've been betrayed.

Jack and Leeson continued walking until they reached his house. Leeson walked on the front porch and looked back at Jack.

Leeson: Thanks Jack.

Jack: No problem. I'll see you later.

Leeson: See ya.

Leeson went inside his house and closed the door. Jack smiled and decided to head back home. But, he decided not to go back home for now.

While walking somewhere else, he thought about how his life would have been if he lived a normal life. He sighed and looked down at the ground. He looked back up and saw Rusty sitting on a bench.

Lucky for Rusty, the bench was protected from the rain. Jack decided to see what he was doing. Rusty was currently thinking to himself if he like him as much as he liked Jack.

While thinking to himself, Jack stepped next to Rusty and stood next to him.

Jack: You okay Rusty?

Rusty: I'm okay. I'm just thinking about something.

Jack: What are you thinking about?

Rusty: Well, I actually have a question to ask you. Do you like me as much I like you?

Jack: Oh Rusty. If only you knew.

Rusty: Wait. You do?

Jack: Of course i do. Did you think I wouldn't have a crush on you?

Rusty: I didn't know. I thought if I told you I have a crush on you, you would be disgusted.

Jack: No. I would never be disgusted if you had a crush on me.

Rusty: I'm glad to know you like me the same.

Jack: Well, want me to walk you home?

Rusty: Yes please.

Rusty got up and walked with Jack to his house. While walking, they had a convyand they bothered loved each other's company. They arrived at Rusty's house.

Rusty: Thank you for walking me home, Jack.

Jack: You're welcome Rusty.

Rusty walked on the front porch and was about to open the front door. When he did, he looked at Jack.

Rusty: Is it okay I you spend the night with me?

Jack: I dont mind.

Rusty: Yes. Sorry.

Jack slightly laughed and Rusty blushed. They both entered the house and Jack closed the door. Rusty turned around and looked back at him.

He walked towards him and placed his hand son Jack's head.

Rusty: Jack, I want us to be more than friends. Not best friends, but lovers.

Jack: Oh. I don't know what to say.

Rusty: Please be my boyfriend. I really love you.

Jack: I'll be your boyfriend.

Rusty kissed Jack on the lips and they both fell to the ground. They both broke free from the kiss and looked at each other.

Rusty: You don't know how long I waited for this.

Jack: You waited very long. I can tell.

Before they could continue talking, Autumn opened the door and noticed what was going on. They both looked at him and Rusty blushed in embarrassment.

Jack: He did it.

Rusty got off Jack and stood up. Jack also got up and stood next to him.

Autumn: What did I just walk in on?

Jack: He kissed me and knocked me down to the ground after I told him I would be his boyfriend.

Autumn: Someone's accepted their true feelings for Jack.

Rusty: Sorry. I didn't think you'd be here so early.

Autumn: Don't worry. I won't tell anyone about this.

Jack: Well, we dont want them to know for now anyway. They will find out eventually.

Rusty: Yeah. They'll know soon.

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