Chapter 20

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It was a Wednesday morning and another day of school. Jack woke up and saw Rusty sleeping next to him. He smiled and tried to get up, but he didn't let him.

Jack: Let me get up.

Rusty: No. I want us to sleep in today.

Jack: Come on. When the school day ends, you can sleep all you like.

Rusty: But I want to sleep with you.

Jack: Ok then. We can sleep together when the school day ends.

Rusty: Ok.

Rusty let go of him and Jack got out of bed. He headed to the bathroom and was about to brush his teeth. He saw himself but he was covered in some type of black smoke and he had red eyes.

He rubbed his eyes and looked back at the mirror. He didn't see his weird reflection again. He thought he was just imagining things.

Jack left the bathroom after he got done brushing his teeth. He saw Rusty enter the bathroom and brushed his teeth. After a couple of minutes, he left the bathroom and saw Jack in the living room.

Rusty: Which toothbrush did you use?

Jack: It was the red and orange one. Why?

Rusty: Oh. I just thought you used Autumn's toothbrush.

Jack: Who toothbrush did I use anyway?

Rusty: It was a toothbrush that we bought yesterday.

Jack: Oh ok.

Rusty: Yeah. I really don't want to go to the academy. I wanna stay home.

Jack: I know. I've had that moment before.

Rusty: When you want to stay home and not go to school?

Jack: Pretty much. Well, let's get the day over with.

Rusty: Wait. Is Autumn asleep?

Autumn: Nope. I'm up.

Jack: We thought you were asleep.

Autumn: Nah. So, are the two of you ready?

Jack: Yeah. We brushed our teeth and we have our backpacks on.

Autumn: Alright let's go.

Autumn opened the door and they left the house. Rusty was the last to leave so he closed the door. As soon as they left, Autumn saw his mom and dad.

Autumn: Hey mom and dad.

Mother Earth: Morning Autumn.

Father Sky: Good morning son. I see you guys are ready.

Rusty: Yeah. Even though I wanted to stay home and sleep today.

Father Sky: You were sleeping with Jack, so you should have gotten enough sleep.

Rusty blushed with embarrassment and hid his face.

Autumn: How do you know they were sleeping together?

Mother Earth: We had sensed it so we decided not to bother.

Father Sky: We had known that Rusty liked Jack since he moved in with Autumn. We didn't want to bring it up.

Autumn: There's even some questionable drawings in a drawing book he has.

Rusty blushed even more and Jack hugged him.

Jack: Ok. I think it's time we go to the academy. We might be running late.

Father Sky: Don't worry. You have 30 minutes until school starts, but you can go if you want.

Jack: Well, it was nice meeting you two.

Father Sky: Same.

The trio left and headed to the academy.

Mother Earth: That boy is really nice.  Rusty did make a good choice after all.

Father Sky: I just hope nothing bad happens to them.

They were one tenth a mile away from the school.

Jack: So, do you have anything planned after school Autumn?

Autumn: Not really. What about you?

Jack: I promised Rusty I'd sleep in with him when we got back home.

Rusty: It's because I didn't want to wake up. I didn't want to go to school, but Autumn would give me a 30 minute lecture.

Autumn: That's not true. It was 3 minutes.

Rusty: It felt like 30 minutes.

Jack: Okay. Let's not fight. I didn't want to go either, but I had to. I've been in enough trouble yesterday.

Rusty: Sorry. I just wasn't in the mood to wake up.

Jack: I know. When we get home, you can sleep as long as you like. Just don't fall asleep in class.

Rusty: Ok.

Jack put his arm around Rusty's shoulders while they were walking. Autumn smiled and looked at them.

Autumn: I smell a new couple.

Rusty: At Thai point, I don't care anymore. I love Jack.

Jack: Ok. We're here.

They arrived at the academy. Rusty sighed and Jack looked at him.

Rusty: It's too bad we don't have the same classes together.

Jack: How about stopping by the drama theatre after school?

Rusty: Good idea. See ya later Jack.

Jack: See ya.

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