Chapter 23

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It was time to head to third class. Jack was happy that there were only four classes a day. He walked out of the class and noticed people were staring at him while whispering.

Jack knew what they were whispering about and he decided to ignore it.

Rusty: Hi Jack.

Jack: Oh hey.

Rusty: What are these people whispering about?

Jack: I think I know. It's the fact that me and you are dating.

Rusty: Oh. Maybe it's best to ignore them. Hopefully, they can forget about us being together.

Jack: I don't think that's gonna happen.

Autumn left his class and walked next to Jack.

Jack: Hi Autumn.

Autumn: Hi. Today's not a good day, huh?

Jack: I knew the fact that me and Rusty being a couple would spread like a wildfire. If only nobody found out.

Rusty: It's too bad you can't go back in time. But, we're gonna have to get used to all this attention.

Autumn: Yeah. It's just all those glares you guys get and those whispers too. You two have become the main attraction.

Jack: Oh boy. I hate this.

Rusty: Cheer up Jack.

Jack: I'm just not used to this much attention. It makes me feel like they're all against me.

Autumn: There's no need to feel like that. You are living a normal life now.

Rusty: What do you mean by that?

Jack: I think its best if I tell you at lunch Rusty. I think I should call you Ruben instead.

Rusty blushed when Jack called him that.

Rusty: Why do you call me that?

Jack: Come on. It's a cute name and it's another way of saying ruby.

Rusty: So, you're not gonna laugh at it?

Jack: No. Why would I laugh at game I think is cute?

Autumn: He's been bullied for having that name.

Jack: Oh. I'm sorry to hear about that. Do you want me to stop calling you Ruben.

Rusty: You can call me Ruben all you like. It's only because I like you and you like me.

Jack: Okay. I wont call you that name whenever you don't want me to.

Rusty: Ok.

Rusty hugged Jack while they were walking and the people in the halls thought it was adorable.

Everyone: Awwwwwwwwwww.

Autumn: We get it.

Jack: Rusty, do you mind the attention were getting?

Rusty: I don't mind it one bit. Matter of fact, I glad they accept me for being gay.

Autumn, Jack, and Rusty arrived in the class. Autumn walked in first and Jack let Rusty walk in and ge followed. The trio sat down at their seats while their classmates looked at Jack and Rusty.

Jack: It's like everywhere we go, we get looks from everyone in the academy. Are we really that cute of a couple?

Autumn: Pretty much.

Rusty: Maybe it because they never expected me to have a romantic relationship with Jack.

Jack noticed that Rusty kept on hugging him.

Jack: Why are you still hugging me Rusty?

Rusty: Your fur is so soft.

Jack: Well, you're gonna have to stop hugging me at this point. The teacher could arrive in any minute.

Rusty: Do I have too?

Autumn: Rusty, let go of Jack.

Rusty: Fine.

Rusty stopped hugging Jack and looked the other way. Jack patted his head and Rusty blushed.

Jack: Don't get sad on me now.

Rusty: Sorry. I just didn't like that I had to stop hugging you. We are in a relationship after all.

Jack: There's no need to apologize.

Autumn: You okay now, Rusty?

Rusty: Yeah. I'm good.

Fabian walked in the classroom and headed to his seat.

Fabian: Oh. Hello Jack, Autumn, and Rusty. How were your other classes?

Jack: Pretty good. Other than the fact I've been getting stares from everyone in the halls, they're good.

Rusty: Same with Jack.

Autumn: I've just been overhearing whispers from my classmates.

Fabian: Huh. I think it's best to ignore them.

Jack: That's what I've been doing.

Rusty: Same. They're probably not gonna let it go.

Jack: Probably not.

Fabian: Like is said, it's best to ignore all those glares and whispers. Just pretend they're not there and you'll be fine.

Jack: Alright. Hey Autumn and Rusty, do you two wanna join me for lunch?

Rusty: Yeah. What about you Autumn?

Autumn: Yeah. I'll join.

Jack: Maybe during lunch, we can talk for a bit hopefully to clear our heads.

Rusty: Agreed.

Autumn: I agree.

Jack: I better hope that I remembered to make sandwiches for you guys.

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