Chapter 2

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Jackson was ready for a day of bad luck. He walked out of the academy zone doubting that Orion would get rid of his curse while he was around. Jack expected something to happen, but nothing.

No kind of bad luck happened. Jack was very concerned as this never happened. He was more afraid than he was before.

Orion: *In Jacks mind* I told you. While I'm around, your curse won't hurt you.

Jack: *Speaking in his mind* I'll believe it if I walk back home without getting hurt by my bad luck.

Jack continued walking to his house and decided to rest on a bench for a minute. He looked at the ground and thought about what his friends were doing. Just then, he saw Zill with another woman other than Kayla.

Jack saw them leaving a restaurant and decided to follow them. He made sure to hide himself to where they wouldn't see him while he was following them. After a couple of minutes, they stopped in front of a house.

Jack: *Thinking* Zill has a blush and a smile on his face. That mother-

Before Jack could finish what he was saying, the two kissed. Jack took a picture and hid himself behind a tree. Jack couldn't believe what he saw.

He couldn't do anything right now, but he had to wait until tomorrow at practice in the drama theatre. The two parted ways and Jack looked at Zill walking away. Jack wanted to punch Zill in the stomach for cheating on Kayla.

But, he had to think about what he could do. Jack decided to continue walking home. For the rest of the journey home, his curse hasn't bothered him.

Jack arrived home and realized Orion wasn't lying. Orion flew out of Jacks mind and sat on the couch in the living room. Jack also sat down and looked at the ground in defeat.

Jack: You were right from the beginning.

Orion: Yeah. I was right and you were wrong. Don't worry. You didn't believe it, but now you do.

Jack: Yeah.

Jack put his head on his head and Orion put his arm around his shoulders.

Orion: What's wrong? Is it the headache?

Jack: It's not the headache. I don't have it anymore for some reason.

Orion: What is it then?

Jack: Its the fact I saw Zill with another woman. If Kayla found out, she would hate Zill for the rest of her life.

Orion: Are you gonna tell her?

Jack: No. I don't wanna get in trouble and Zill to beat me up.

Orion: There has to be another way.

Jack thought of how he could tell Kayla without getting in trouble. Then, an idea came to mind.

Jack: I got it.

Orion: Really? What is it?

Jack: How about getting Zill to her himself?

Orion: How would you do that?

Jack: Simple. Show Zill the evidence once he lies about his other relationship and from there, I will hide somewhere where Kayla wont notice me.

Orion: You clever kid.

Jack: How can I make him tell the truth?

Orion: Go in the bedroom closet and look for a silver briefcase.

Jack: Which bedroom?

Orion: Not your bedroom.

Jack got up and headed to his moms bedroom. He was lucky Mindy was still at work. He walked towards the closet and opened the door.

He saw a silver briefcase and picked it up. He walked towards the living room and placed it on the table. Jack sat down on the couch and opened the briefcase.

When he opened the briefcase, he saw a grey mask and a gun. Jack grabbed the gun and took a look at it. He recognized the gun after a couple of seconds.

Jack: A M1911 pistol.

Orion: So you know what it is already.

Jack: Yeah. I have a good knowledge in firearms.

Orion: Will you use it against Zill?

Jack: To scare him to telling the truth to Kayla. I won't kill him. He has to stay alive in order to break Kaylas heart.

Orion: How would you truly feel about Zill breaking her heart after him telling her he cheated on her?

Jack: Honestly, I would feel deep regret. But, she can't be with someone who wouldn't be loyal.

Orion: True. Oh hey, just remembered.

Jack: Really? What do you remember?

Orion: In the future, Zill wouldn't be a good husband. If Kayla married Damian, they would be a happy family together.

Jack: Then, it's settled. Tomorrow, Kayla will know the truth about Zill.

Zoophobia: A Jackals RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now