Chapter 3

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Jack got up and went back to the bedroom closet to put away the briefcase. He made sure it was right where it needed to be. He closed the closet and walked out of the bedroom.

Jack sat back down on the couch and waited for his mom to get home. While waiting, he got a grape soda out of the fridge and sat back on the couch. Orion still sat next to Jack.

Jack: Want me to get you a soda?

Orion: I'm a spirit.

Jack: Oh right. Sorry.

Orion: You're good. Besides, I would drink a soda if I could. It's just that I don't have a host to possess.

Jack: I feel bad for you. I do have a question.

Orion: Go ahead and ask away.

Jack: Who were you before you became a spirit?

Orion: I was a guy who knew your father. You see, him and I go back to the high school days.

Jack: You knew my dad?

Orion: We were childhood friends. When he died, I felt like someone special was taken away from me. Four days after he died, I met my demise.

Jack: How did you die?

Orion: I was killed when I saved someone from a burning building. I didn't have a second thought. I just ran in the building without any regard for my life.

Jack: Damn. You must have been a hero.

Orion: I was. Rather, it was my sacrifice to save someone that made me a hero.

Jack noticed Orion looking down at the ground. He put his hand on his shoulder and Orion looked at him.

Jack: You sacrificed your life to save someone that you didn't even know. To me, that is something that is honorable.

Orion: How can you be so sure?

Jack: To me, saving someone deserves to be seen as a hero. Even though, you don't wantt to be seen as one.

Orion: You're trying to cheer me up

Jack: Yeah sorry. I've never done this before.

Orion: You did good.

Jack: Thanks. Even though I felt like I did terrible.

They both heard the door unlock and and Orion quickly went back in Jacks mind. The opened and Mindy walked in the house.

Mindy: Hi Jack.

Jack: Hey mom.

Mindy closed the door and locked it back. She walked next to the couch and sat next to Jack. She had a smile on her face.

Mindy: How was school?

Jack: It was the usual. Damian and Zill had a argument again.

Mindy: Do they always do that every day?

Jack: Only when Damian isn't talking smack to Zill. He does this because he's jealous of Zill.

Mindy: Why would Damian be jealous?

Jack: It's because of Kayla being Zills girlfriend.

Mindy: I remember her parents talking about her.

Jack: When did you talk to them?

Mindy: When I got off work. Kayla's mother is my friend.

Jack: She's been your friend for a while?

Mindy: Mhm. We met when we were in college.

Jack: Then, why did you get home later than usual?

Mindy: Me and her were talking about a lot of things. Mostly about how our families were doing.

Jack: That makes sense.

Jack was then getting a call from Damian. He sighed and Mindy looked at him.

Mindy: What's wrong?

Jack: Damian's calling me.

Jack got up from the couch and started walking away for the living room. He accepted the call and put the phone up to his ear.

Jack: What happened this time Damian?

Damian: Nothing happened cousin. I just wanted to tell you that Zill wanted to have a video call with me, you and the others.

Jack: You better not be lying to me.

Damian: I'm not. I promise you i am telling the truth.

Jack: What time does he want to video call us?

Damian: 7:45 pm.

Jack: Tell him I won't join the call.

Damian: Okay. I'll tell him.Bye cousin

Jack: Bye Damian.

Mindy: What did he want Jack?

Jack: He wanted to tell me Zill and the others wanted to have a video call.

Jack had his head against the wall and let out a sigh. Mindy walked up to him and a worried tone to her voice.

Mindy: Jack? Is everything okay?

Jack showed her the picture of Zill with another girl. Mindy was shocked and she sat back down on the couch.

Jack: Don't worry mom. Kayla will find out the truth tomorrow. You can tell her parents later okay?

Mindy: Okay. I'll let them know tomorrow.

Zoophobia: A Jackals RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now