Chapter thirty eight - Allison

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Bluebella had refused to leave Stiles side, even as Melissa took care of the medical side of him. So as he lay on the bed, she sat in the chair next to him, her knees curled upwards towards her chest. Despite never leaving him, she also had said very few words to him, or anyone for that matter.

"Well... Medically, you seem okay." Melissa said, dropping Stiles' arm.  "You're definitely a real person." 

Stiles didn't appear to be comforted.  "Okay, so I'm real, but am I really me?" he asked. 

Melissa didn't answer, but gave him an unsure smile as she left the room.

Stiles glanced at the faerie girl. He remembered everything, and it killed him. He made her cry, there was no going back from that. But something tugged at his heart, the memory of the Nogtisune mocking Bluebella for loving him.

She hadn't denied it.

But what if he just meant their friendship? Or what if now she hated him, what if she couldn't see his face without being reminded on what he had done? 

"What's going to happen Blue?" he asked softly, as if trying not to scare her. She looked at him, the sorrow evident in her eyes. 

"Neither can live whilst the other survives," she echoed. Stiles brow furrowed.

"Are you seriously quoting Harry Potter at me right now?" he asked, huffing a laugh. Bluebella looked at him again, a faint smile gracing her lips. He was really back, her Stiles was back. 

But he deserved to know the truth.

"One of you has to die. The Nogitsune has split your being in half, taken a fragment of your soul in order to preserve his own and you're weakening," she said honestly. 

Stiles sighed, he had to admit that the idea wasn't foreign to him. Even without the Nogitsune, he still felt off. Like a dull ache had been spread around his body and was getting stronger with each passing minute. 

"And Draven?" he asked. 

Bluebella flinched, her voice hollow "Since he's split, it is possible to cure him. To take him back to his faerie self. He was much nicer in the past," she added wistfully. 

Stiles sat up "That's great! Why don't we do that?"

Bluebella sank further into her seat, refusing to meet Stiles in the eye. "Because Stiles, if I cure him, and get my Draven back, you would still have to die," 

Stiles mouth dropped open slightly, and all of a sudden Bluebella's sudden silences made sense. She wasn't scared of him, she wasn't mad at him, it wasn't anything to do with him.

Bluebella realised that she had to chose between her first love, and her last.

Stiles gulped. "Blue, If you wanted to save him, I'd understand," he said lowly, sitting up in the bed slightly. Bluebella turned to him sharply.

"Don't say that," she said her voice cracking slightly "I-" she was cut off by Scott entering the room with a grim look on his face. 

Stiles looked up at him "Is she here?" he asked.

His friend nodded.

"Okay, let's do this."

Stiles lead the way down the stairs, with Scott following closely behind and Bluebella trailing back as if in a trance. They were met with Kira, but most importantly her mother, who was standing in the living room with a stony expression. 

Scott stood in-front of Stiles, as if trying to protect him from the inevitable, even Bluebella stood at his side stubbornly.

"Guys, we have to do this." Stiles said softly, mainly looking at the smaller girl. She sighed, stepping backwards and Melissa took her hand.

"Do you recognize me, hmm?" Noshiko ask him. Stiles nodded.

"Stop." demanded Kira, looking at her mother fiercely. Stiles held his hands up.

"It's okay. I'm the one who asked her to come." he reassured but Kira looked far from convinced.

"You're the one who's going to get stabbed with swords.  Mom, don't do this to him." Kira begged but her mother shook her head.

Bluebella - Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now