Chapter 11

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Teng Yingzhi wanted to run, but obviously the people around him wouldn't let him.

He lowered his head and didn't look at the other side. He simply acted like he didn't know what to do and slowly opened the paper bag and ate his own food.

Uncle Lu brought black tea as usual, and what he gave Teng Yingzhi was a pot of freshly brewed red bean milk tea.

The smell of roasted chicken legs was not strong, but as expected, it mixed with the aroma of wine on Teng Yingzhi, causing Teng Song to frown unconsciously. He pushed the black tea away along the table with two fingers and asked Uncle Lu to open the peach wine he just bought.

Not long after Uncle Lu left, he came back with a glass of peach wine and placed it respectfully in Teng Song's hand.

Teng Song took a sip. The wine taste was very light and the peach aroma was stronger. It was not very similar to the smell of Teng Yingzhi. The peach wine flavor on him was stronger. Drinking a glass of it has no effect. It obviously has nothing to do with the smell. It's either the aroma of wine on Teng Yingzhi's body or it just doesn't work.

The young man sat next to him and quietly gnawed on the chicken legs. Teng Song turned her head and looked at him, then reached out and patted his fluffy head, as if she wanted to smell it.

The couple opposite had been waiting for a long time, and they almost lost their temper, but they didn't dare to speak first.

Finally, Teng Song put down the wine glass, and the bottom of the glass hit the table with a crisp sound. The arrogance of the superior was revealed for a moment, "Say."

Teng Ruicheng said quickly: "That's right, the 21st is Xiao Ji's birthday. We discussed it last night. I want to hold a birthday party for him at home. Since he is 20 years old, it must be grand. This child has just been picked up, and it is a good opportunity to introduce his identity to the outside world.

"Isn't the 21st his birthday?" Song said indifferently.

He Xitang glanced at Teng Yingzhi who didn't even raise his head, "I checked before and found that Yingzhi was born later. His birthday was actually the early morning of the 22nd, while Xiao Ji's was on the 21st. Now that Xiao Ji is back, Yingzhi's birthday Just move it back one day. It's better to have a birthday like 20 years old alone."

Teng Ruicheng obviously agreed with this approach, but he also knew that it would aggrieve Teng Yingzhi, so he just nodded.

Teng Yingzhi lowered his head and did not respond. He had known about this for a long time, and his birthday would be moved to the 22nd in the future. That is indeed the real birthday of the original owner, but it is not his. His birthday is the 21st. At this time, I couldn't help but feel a little sad. I knew in my heart that nothing I said or done would help, so I just pretended to be deaf and dumb.

Anyway, he won't have much chance to celebrate his birthday in the future.

In the eyes of most people, everything he has now is because he robbed He Ji 20 years ago. He should naturally feel indebted to He Ji, and of course he should give up a birthday. If he really makes money, no one can You will think he is reasonable.

His silence was noticed by Teng Song, and the disappointment in his eyes naturally did not escape him. He asked aloud: "Yingzhi, no objection?"

Teng Yingzhi was suddenly named, and his back stiffened, fearing that he would not be able to hide it. When his good mood was discovered, he didn't raise his head or make a sound, just shook his head slightly.

Teng Song's eyes instantly filled with displeasure, and his tone changed, "Since we don't have any objections, you can do whatever you want with your own household affairs. You don't have to ask me."

He Xitang quietly poked Teng Ruicheng in the waist, urging him to speak. , Teng Ruicheng coughed twice to cover up his embarrassment, "You usually leave on the 20th, can you stay one more day this time? Xiaoji is your biological brother, and it's his first birthday at home..."

"No time." Teng Song's eyes were clear. It almost overflowed, and anyone with long eyes could see that he was in a bad mood.

Teng Ruicheng didn't even dare to continue speaking as he interrupted without even listening to the end of the sentence.

The couple had thought carefully about He Ji in every aspect. If Mr. Teng could show up in public at He Ji's birthday party, it would be tantamount to elevating He Ji's status. No one would dare to underestimate him. The young master was found.

I have never thought about what kind of comments Teng Yingzhi, a fake young master, will suffer. After being Mr. Teng's biological brother for 20 years, Mr. Teng has never taken the time to say happy birthday to him.

One is true and the other is false. The true one is favored by Mr. Teng, while the false one is itself false. Even the last name was stolen.

Forget about outsiders, what will the young masters and ladies from the family's side think of Teng Yingzhi in the future?

"My birthday has been changed. Should I also change my last name?" Teng Song's voice was as cold as iron and his breath was heavy.

Since He Ji was recognized as a family member, it was appropriate to change his last name back. Teng Ruicheng was about to nod when he felt another stab in the back. He quietly turned his head and saw He Xitang shaking his head slightly at him with a pale face.

Teng Ruicheng couldn't understand clearly. He Xitang was already breaking out in a cold sweat just by looking at Mr. Teng's face.

Mr. Teng's suggestion was not a suggestion. He was clearly mocking them.

He Ji changed his surname to Teng, and Teng Yingzhi changed his surname to He. He Xitang is still self-aware and has never thought about this matter. Even if he wants to change it, it is impossible for Teng Yingzhi to change it. Otherwise, wouldn't it be clear to the public that Teng Yingzhi was kicked out by them? Mr. Teng has already expressed his attitude. If he really changes his attitude, let alone Mr. Teng, the old man will be furious. It would be fine if he doesn't skin the couple.

Only then did Teng Ruicheng react and waved his hands quickly: "No, no, no, this is definitely not necessary."

Teng Song turned his head and said to Teng Yingzhi, who was still sitting dumbly aside: "What were you going to do just now? Go ahead, you don't need to accompany me here. " Okay

..." The atmosphere became more and more tense. Teng Yingzhi had long wanted to run away, but as soon as he heard this, he stood up and ran towards the kitchen.

But it was only after hindsight that he came back to his senses. Was he driven away by his brother?

Because his birthday had just been robbed, he silently acquiesced, not fighting for himself at all, being cowardly and timid. Yesterday I just promised him that he would fight back if he was bullied in the future, but today he was bullied right in front of me and he didn't respond.

Teng Yingzhi sighed heavily. He knew that his brother admired He Ji's tenacity and unyielding temperament more and hated the timid and meekness he showed. In the long run, it would only push him further and further away, but he didn't know what he should do. Only then can we avoid this under the constraints of the plot.

Should I have argued with my parents just now? He spoke, his brother would definitely help him, and then he changed the direction and suffered a flashback...

There was no solution at all.

He threw away the chicken bones, washed his hands carefully, and prepared to make the dessert and put it in the refrigerator as soon as possible. He hoped that his brother would feel better after eating the delicious cake.

Teng Song was indeed in a bad mood now. As Teng Yingzhi left, the anger in his eyes became more and more obvious.

The atmosphere in the hall was cold and stiff.

Teng Song looked at the couple opposite, his deep eyes full of anger, and scolded: "You two idiots, the smallest thing can make the house uneasy. If you want to cut off the relationship with Yingzhi, then you The family of three should get out of here and start their own business!"

Teng Ruicheng was stunned and He Xitang's heart was beating rapidly, and layers of cold sweat broke out on the backs of his palms.

"W-how does this mean we are breaking off the relationship with Yingzhi? We have never thought of it that way!" Teng Ruicheng quickly defended. He really didn't think so. Although He Ji's return gave him some grievances, but this was not the case. He always felt that things would get better if the two children got along for a long time.

From the beginning to the end, he never thought about abandoning Teng Yingzhi. After raising a kitten and puppy for twenty years, he has developed feelings for him, let alone a child who has been raised around him since he was a child, who can act coquettishly and be well-behaved and obedient?

Teng Ruicheng felt that he had been wronged, and his face flushed with excitement, "You, how can you say that?"

"Yes, Mr. Teng, we have thought more about Xiao Ji, but you also have to think about the child living outside. After so many years and so much don't have a child yet, so of course you can't understand how we parents feel when we see our children suffering." He Xitang did not dare to meet Teng Song's cold eyes, but he did not soften his words.

Unexpectedly, the answer was Teng Song's rage that could no longer be suppressed, "Shut up!"

The couple were shocked, their expressions full of fear. Teng Song has been calm and steady since he was a child, and he grew up next to the old man. He has learned to hide his emotions since he was six or seven years old, and nothing can be seen from his face. This is the first time they have seen Teng Song losing control and losing his temper, with his eyes filled with anger. appearance.

Even Teng Yingzhi in the kitchen was frightened by the roar, and the mold in his hand fell to the ground with a clang.

Not knowing what happened in the hall, Teng Yingzhi was infected by the atmosphere and couldn't help but feel worried. He picked up the mold and put it away. He couldn't help but go out of the kitchen and hide in the corridor outside the living room, wanting to hear what was going on and why his brother was so angry.

Teng Song's irritated voice sounded gloomily, "Is it Yingzhi's fault that he is suffering outside? What does it have to do with Yingzhi? I want you two to put on such a face and force him to swallow this. Tone! You want to bring He Ji back. First, you didn't understand He Ji's attitude toward Ying Zhi, and second, you didn't care about Ying Zhi's mood after the change in her life. You hurriedly brought him into the house and caused this series of events. Things. You can't handle such a small matter, but you have the nerve to come to me and say this!"

Teng Ruicheng had never considered a problem from this perspective, and now he wanted Teng Song to throw these words in his face. I was really ashamed, "It's true that we didn't think it through well..."

He Xitang was so frightened that he didn't dare to express his anger. He sat stiffly on the spot and never dared to say congratulations to Ji again.

She was afraid that because of the unfair treatment of the couple, Mr. Teng would also become disgusted with He Ji.

"Get out of here if you know it, don't hang it in front of me!" Teng Song reached out to pour a glass of peach wine irritably, "If we don't handle this well, if I see He Ji doing anything against Yingzhi in the future, then I will I'll handle it, one of them will make you feel bad."

The threat hidden in this sentence was almost obvious, and He Xitang's face had already turned pale.

Teng Ruicheng didn't dare or had the shame to say anything more. The eviction order had been issued, so he quickly got up and pulled He Xitang out of the small building in disgrace.

Xiao Tian O dresses up as a villain and fake young masterWhere stories live. Discover now