Chapter 27

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Ashlynn woke up early this morning. It was going to be a good day. She could feel it. Everyone was suposed to have diner together tonight.

Ashlynn laid out nice clothes to change into an hour before. It had matching shoes. Perfect.

Mike walked in sleepily, "Morning, Ashlynn. Guess what."

"What?" She asked.

"Anna's my girlfriend now."

"Oh really?"


Ashlynn lead Mike to the kitchen, "And how's that, kiddo?"

"Well daddy said if you really like a girl then take her some place really special. 'Cause girls like that stuff."

"Where'd you take her?"

"Down to the pond. Daddy said that was a special place to take a woman."

Ashlynn was turned around getting out cereal, do Mike did not see her blushing.

"John said that?" She asked.

"Yeah. So I took Anna there and I was talking to her and telling her I was crushing on her and stuff. Then she was like 'I have a crush on you too!!' Then shep kissed my cheeck.

"After she kissed me I was sitting there for a second then I was like 'you wanna be my girl?' and she was like 'oh yes! I would love that!'. Then we held hands while we walked home."

Ashlynn poured his cereal. I wish that's how it worked. She thought. Ashlynn thought it was the cutest thing when littleuns where 'in love'.

Lucy came up from the basement. She was well awake. Lucy smiled at Mike and ruffled his hair alittle.

"I heard about you and Anna. I totally ship it." She said sitting down.

"You what?" Asked Ashlynn.

"They are totally my OTP. I shipped it. What would their couple name be? Who cares. I love it!"

"What's shipping?" Ashlynn asked.

"It's when you take two random people and make a couple. Most of the time fangirls do it." Said Mike taking a bite of his cereal.

Ashlynn sat down at the table less confused. She'd heard some of her friends in collage talking about fangirl things. It was starting to make sense.

"Now, what's an OTP?" She asked.

"One True Pairing. A term you use to express a pair if people that are perfect for eachother. Thank you Troy Savone."

"Ok. I've had enough fangirl sh-stuff for one day. Don't forget about diner tonight." Said Ashlynn getting up.


Ashlynn sat at the table next to John. Oliver an Harvey sat by eachother. Oliver kept looking between Jaylene and Owen. What was that about?

Papa Gunther sat at the head of the table. Jess by his side. Ashlynn wondered why he valued the dog so much. Probably because of her loyalty.

Diner was absolutly delicious. It was turkey. Papa Gunther had been able to shoot one yesterday. That's why they where all having diner together.

Mike, Anna, and Lucy sat at a smaller table. The kids table. Lucy didn't seem to thrilled about the idea, but went quietly.

"Papa Gunther, that was delicious." Said Harvey.

Penelope was in her lap drinking from her bottle. Guess she wasn't old enough for the kids table.

"Thank you, Harvey. Your daughter is just beautiful. Your grandad would have been very proud." Papa Gunther said looking at Penelope.

"Would you like to hold her?" Asked Harvey.

Papa Gunthers face lit up, "Ofcourse. Come here little one."

Penelope rested in his arms. The last baby he had held was his grandaughter Jess. She'd been so tiny. Penelope was noticeably bigger. Healthy baby.

Ashlynns hand was in Johns the whole time. What was this? was she falling in love? Maybe. It wouldn't be so bad would it? No. It'd be the best thing to happen to her.

"Would you excuse me for a moment. I'm going to get some fresh air. Ashlynn, care to join me?" Stated John.


They walked out onto the porch and looked at the moon. Now was the perfect time to do it.

"Ashlynn, I love you. I know this is some crazy world we live in know, but I've still got something beautiful. I love you. And I want to be the only one that loves you."

John knelt to the ground and took the rong from his pocket.

"Ashlynn Sweeney, will you be my wife?"

Ashlynn screamed, "Yes! Yes, John I'll be your wife!" She giggled and hugged John as he stood up.

Ashlynn put the ring on her finger. It had two pearls with three small dimonds seperating them. It was beautiful.

Ashlynn came inside and waved her hand around.

"John asked me to marry him!"

Harvey and Ashlynn did a girl hug junp thing. Oliver and Owen shook Johns hand. Jaylene danced on the table. The childeren ran around screaming. Clint and Ethan admired the ring. Gunther held Penelope and swayed her in a dance like motion.

It was one big crazy circus. Everyone was happy and dancing and singing. It would have been the perfect time for a zombie to drop in for diner, but they where scarse thankfully.

They where making history and didn't relize it. First born into the zombie world. First soon to be wedding. First time Jaylene had had sex in almost a year. It was a beautiful time.

Mike took this time to kis Anna on the cheeck. You go tiger.

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