Chapter 21

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Oliver waited till Lucy had left from the car to get in. Jaylene, Owen, and Ashlynn did the same. None of them asked what the conversation was about.

Oliver drove them home. It was a hard enough day as it was. They didn't need to stay, but Ashlynn did. She stayed for John and Mike.

Oliver almost got into a protective father state. Ashlynn still was his baby. You could see it on his face, he still wanted to be a "normal dad" and tell her that he needed to aprove of him and do all that old stuff he used to do. Never to late to be protective that was for sure.

Their not even dating! Yet, Oliver, don't trick yourself. It could happen. He thought. But you know John. He's nice. But she's still my baby girl. He couldn't make up his mind on that matter. Wether John was good enough for his baby girl or not, no one really was. Atleast it was a way to distract himself from her death.

He did his best thinking distracted. He was often thinking of lots of things when working out a problem. It made bringing other things to the table easier.

"So Ashlynn stayed with John?" Asked Owen, well, more like stated.

"Yeah." Said Jaylene.

"Why?" Asked Harvey.

The car snickered.

"What? Why am I not in the loop?" She asked.

"They like eachother. Isn't it obvious?"

"So are they together?"

"No." Said Oliver forcefully, "They are not together."

"Well chill, dad. She ain't riding the pony. She's just petting him." Said Jaylene.

"That's gross." Said Harvey.

"It's true. They aren't together their just being their for eachother and flirting. I'd say that was petting wouldn't you?"

"Why must you put everything into some other comparrason?" Asked Harvey.

"What'd ya mean?"

"Like survival into a chart or love as horseback riding."

"It's not love! They don't love eachother!" Said Oliver.

"Alright! Nobodys gettin' all lovey up in this shiz-a." Said Jaylene.

"Well then. Looks like I am out of the loop. Where have I been?" Asked Harvey.

"In bed, in the bathroom, or eating. For three months pregnant you sure are showing it." Said Owen.

"Shut up. I'm creating another human inside of my body. Cut me some slack."

"Alright, I'll give you that."

They pulled in the drive and everyone piled out. Oliver waited til everyone was inside before he himself walked in.

Oliver thought about his and Harveys fight they had a while back. His previous relationships had not started out like that. Oh well. Go with the flow I guess.

Oliver went to the kitchen and joined Jaylene. Out of everyone in the house, he mostly drank with Jaylene. Dispite the fact that she was alittle of a disorderly drunk. She was fun to drink with.

"Want me to pour you one, Oli?" She asked.

"No, I'd like you to throw me one."

Jaylene laughed, "Nah. I'm a bad shot."

"Oh really, Miss Navy Seal?"

"Almost. Almost Navy Seal. And that's 'Sexy Navy Girl' to you."

They laughed somemore. Being able to laugh during a time of zombies and death was a joy. A fantastic joy.

Oliver drank from the glass Jaylene just poured. Then looked at her pitifully. She nodded and poured him another one.

"What's on your mind, Oliver?" Jaylene asked.

Oliver looked at his glass, "I like John, but I don't want him to date Ashlynn. Yet she's happy with him and that's all I've ever wanted for her."

"John's a nice guy, and if he cheats we can just kill him. Twice."

"I know he wont hurt her."

"So what's the problem?"

"I'm not ready to give her away. I'm not ready to share her. She is still a baby. In my eyes atleast."

"And she always will be. But you need to under stand that she's a grown up and wil make her own decisions."

"I guess so. Just one thing."

"What's that?"

"I'm going to need another."

Jaylene laughed and kept the drinks coming. Oliver kept putting them down. Twenty six shots later and there stood to drunk bafoons in Olivers kitchen.

"You know something, Oli." Jaylene slurred.


"You don't have a dog. We should get a dog. Hey. No instead of a dog, we need a turtle."

"A turtle!" Oliver said in a weird voice.

Jaylene nodded, "Hey, you know what! Instead of, a turtle. We should get a dog."

Oliver smiled and clapped his hands. I like dogs! He thought.

"Or a turtle!" Said Jaylene with wide eyes.


Sorry it's short! I didn't have any insparation for them so I made them drunk. It's a lot easier.

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