Chapter 26

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Jaylene and Owen where the last ones awake. Since the baby was just a month old Oliver and Harvey where doing shifts, midnight feedings, dipers. When Penelope was asleep, they where asleep.

"So. We're alone. And you look very attractive tonight." Owen said.




"Not good enough."


"Come on. Give me a better answer then that. We are talking about you rejecting me."

"Just because."

"Just because why, Jaylene? What is so bad about having sex with me one night, one time. Neither one of us have gotten any action besides our own hands."

Jaylene thought. It was tempting. She hadn't been with anyone in months. Months! Just once couldn't hurt. It'd do just the oppisite.

"Your thinking about it. Come on. How many nights have we spent awake on the couch talking. You know me. It's not like I'm going to cheat on you or kiss and tell or not call you back."


"That, and I have a really nice dick. I've gotten many complaments on it."

"Alright. I'll have sex with you. But promise me a few things."


"First, don't tell Oliver."


"Second, use protection. I've got a supply of condoms in my room."

"Really? Ok then. Done."

"Third, don't go gentle. I haven't had sex since this thing started." Jaylene stood up and went to her room.

Owen was wide eyed. Did she just imply what he thought she did. Owen followed her.

She got on her hands and knees and pulled a box from under her bed. Condoms. She had quite the selection.

Ultra thin, ribbed, normal, flavored even! And a few others. Owen went with ribbed. This will be the best night ever. He thought.

She pushed the box back under her bed. Then the clothes came off quickly.

Owen and Jaylene had long, hot sex that night. It's to much to even try to explain. But I asure you, it was very good. But the morning wasn't as perfect. No one was harmed at least.

"Good morning, Jaylene." Said Owen.

"Mmmmm hmmmm mmm." Jaylene said into the pillow.


"I said what time is it?"

"It is....let me see. Six thirty."

Jaylene sat up, "Why are you waking me at six?"

"I didn't feel like creepily watching you sleep."

"Thank you for that. I guess."

"Yeah, so. How are you?"

"Tired as fuck. How are you?" She asked sarcasticly.

"Good. Want me to make you breakfast?"


"What would you like?"


"We're out."

"Then a cigarett. If you wouldn't mind." She said more perky.

"Alrighty then. Where are they?"

"By my gun."

If they wheren't in a zombie apocolypes Owen would have thought she was a total bad ass. She was actually pretty interesting when you got to know her. And amazing in bed.

"Here you go." He said.

"Thanks." She blew a puff of smoke into the air, "So. What do you wanna do?"

Owen looked at her half covered breasts. They where both still naked. Only a blanket lay between him and heven.

Jaylene knew that look. It was the unmastakable 'I wanna have sex again because last night wasn't enogh because I'm a man and blah blah bla'. She shrugged it off and took another puff.

"I don't know." Owen said.

Jaylene snorted.

"What?" He asked.

"Nothin'. Nothin' at all."

They heard the baby crying. That was their que.

"Shit. Where's my pants?" Owen whispered.

"On the door handle. How the fuck did you manage that?"

"I don't quite know. Where's my underwear?"

Jaylene did alittle dance thing under the covers, "Here."

She flung them at Owen. She was wearing them? Ok then. Owen had never encountered that before, but if you'd found him a year ago and told him he'd be living with his cousin, his cousins girl friend, a waitress, and his brand new neice he would have laughed.

Jaylene and Owen dressed as fast as they could without making a sound. Pure skill. They heard Havey in the next room putting down the baby to go back to sleep.

Maybe. She might have been feeding it. Hell she might have killed it, it just stopped crying.

Jaylene motained for Owen to leave thr room while it was silent. He did with a big fat smile on his face.

Jaylene shook her head and laughed as she laid in bed. Whatever. She thought. Atleast you don't have to ignore six calls from him.


Owen laid on the couch and looked up at the ceiling. He knew he could get her. It took alittle longer them he had anticapated but whatever. He did it.

"Owen? What are you doing up?" Asked Oliver.

"I couldn't sleep." Owen lied.

"Yet your smiling."

"Can't I be happy to be alive?"



"That's your 'I had sex' smile." Oliver said acusingly.

"What! No it's not!"

"Yes it is you fucking lier."

"Who would I sleep with? Your girlfriend?"

Jaylene walked out of her room into and tward the kitchen. Oliver watched her for a minuet.

"Jaylene! That's your 'I got lucky walk'!" Oliver said.

"How do you know that thats my walk?" Asked Jaylene.

"Why do you have a walk?" Asked Owen.

"Not important. You two had sex!" Said Oliver.

"What? You haven't?" Asked Jaylene.

"I can't belive you two are getting together!"

"What!" Jaylene and Owen said at the same time.

"You aren't?"

"Just because you ride the pony don't mean you buy it." Said Jaylene.

"What the fuck? Where do you come up with these metophores?" Asked Owen.

Jaylene just winked and went into the kitchen. That's Jaylene for you. Leaving you feeling amazing, yet confused at the same time. Don't ask how she does it. She just does.

Owen looked questoiningly at Oliver, who just shook his head and shrugged. Now the news was out. Everyone was going to know that Owen and Jaylene did the nasty.

Look out world. Shits going down.

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