Chapter 11

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Ashlynn Sweeney was on a plane to Montana to see her father Oliver. She hadn't seen him in a while because she was at collage. Winter break was finaly here.

She hadn't seen her father in a while and hadn't gone to Montana in years. Now she was on a plane to go see him.

The flight was long enough. Ashlynn hated flying. Her mother always told her that it was from her dads side because it was a "bad quality". Ashlynn always replied that everyone had some "bad qualities". Especialy her mother.

Ashlynn set her head on her tray and took a nap the entire flight. Awesome. When the plane lands she gets off as quick as possible. She was excited to see her dad. When she gets ro his house she is surprised.

A man, a woman, and her dad are all in the guest bedroom. They hadn't heard her come in. This isn't the kind if thing you wish to walk in on at any point of your life. She peakedin the doorway. The woman looked at her.

"Ashlynn!?" She cried.

"Hey, Ashlynn. I'm Owen. Your dads brother." Said the man extending his hand.

Ashlynn shook it and hugged her dad. Shd looked at the womans leg. Bloody.

"Whats going on? How dose she know my name?" Asked Ashlynn in confusion.

"This is Jaylene, she knew you when you where a baby. Well, through e-mail and skype. She left for the army shortly after you where born."

"Navvy. Almost a seal, ijit." Jaylene corrected.

"I thought you where in Nam!"

"I thought you had a family while I was in Nam."

The room got uncomfortably quite. Awkward.

"Son of a mother fucker." Jaylene said reaching tward her leg.

"Whats wrong?" Asked Owen.

"What did you put on my leg?"

"Just this, it's fine for your leg it's just gonna sting."

"Give me that bottle!"

"Your a violent drunk."

"I'm gonna be a violent somber if you don't give me that whiskey."

Owen reluctantly handed over the bottle to Jaylene. She took a swig from the bottle and smiled. Her eyes closed. Ashlynn was the only one who was not farmiliar with all this.

"Sorry, sweatheart. My leg just won't quite. I'm normally sweet." Jaylene said.

"It's alright, my moms a drunk. And a drugie. Man child services suck!" Ashlynn said.

They left Jaylene to drink and sleep. She didn't like pain very much.

"So what happend to her?" Asked Ashlynn when they walked into the kitchen.

", attack." Said Oliver.

"From what?" Ashlynn asked.

"Zombie. I swear to hell it was Alex Rose." Jaylene stumbled in.

"Jaylene, you just got a bullet taken out of you leg and your walking?" Asked Owen.

"I also just had a bottle of whiskey and a few shots of tht good stuff that Oliver hides. I'd be more impressed that I can still walk after that." Jaylene said sitting down.

"Zombie? They aren't real." Said Ashlynn in disbelief.

"It don't matter if you think their real. They are, kiddo." Owen said.

"Wait, you found my burbon?" Asked Oliver.

"Is that what it was? It was yummy." Jaylene put her head on the counter.

"Dad, you drink burbon?" Asked Ashlynn.

"Sorry kiddo, it's daddys drink." Said Owen.

"Since when?"

"Since he married your mom." Owen lauphed, "So how old are you?"

"I'm ninteen." Answerd Ashlynn.

Jaylene lifted her head slightly, "I remember when I was your age, I was sighning up for the Navvy. I miss it."

Owen shook his head, "Jaylene, you are so drunk."

After hours of talking in the kitchen Jaylene went to bed, then Oliver. Now it was just Owen and Ashlynn.

"So, have you ever had a drink?" He asked.

"You mean like beer?" She retorted.


"No, I'm not old enough."



"Would you like a taste? I mean, it ain't that great but, that's what kids do."

Ashlynn thought for a moment, it would just kill her mother, "Ok."

Owen handed her his bottle, she didn't care. After all, they where family. Not close family but oh well.

"So is this your first year in college?" Owen asked.

"No, second. I graduated early."

"So what, never gone to a party? Filled your cup?"

"I never understood the point, letting a boy get you drunk so you'll sleep with him? Then he leaves before you get up and your left with a hangover and God knows what else."

"You've got a good head on your sholders, Ash."

"Thanks. I'm tired so, goodnight."

Honestly, she just wasn't comfortable with Owen She slept in her fathers room while he slept on the couch. Along with Owen on the floor. Awesome.

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