Chapter 12

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Harvey waited and waited but now, the time had come. She looked down at her pregnancy test. Oh, Lord no! She thought.

Positive? Positive! This can't happen. How was she going to tell Oliver? He was the last man she slept with and that was a week or so ago. She picked up her cell. Then put it down. She couldn't decide.

Wait. Who was that woman who walked into his house? She was very young. Younger than Harvey. Well, looked like it. Where they a thing?

She looked like she could be his daughter she was so young. Maybe he really did want it to be a one time thing.

Well, looks like that plan was over. Someone was going to have to help her. Pluse she wasn't that bitch who wasn't going to tell him.

It was his. Hopefully. Well, it could be that guy from the bar a month ago. Harvey wanted it to be Olivers. It was better than some biker dude from a place called "The Roudy Rooster".

She sat on the toilet looking down at the little blue stick she had just desecrated. Poor bluse stick. It gives you life changing informatian and gets pissed on. That's not fair.

Harvey decided one thing was for sure. She wanted to get a blood test when this little, thing, was out of her body.

She also decided it was time to throw that away and wash her hands. How long had she been sitting there looking at it? Ten minuets? Fifteen?

She needed a drink. No! You idiot. Your pregnant. PREGNANT. That means no booze. She thought. Now that made her want to drink. She picked up her cell. Went threw the contacts then got a phone call. Oliver!?

"Hello?" Harvey asked.

"Hey, Harvey, it's Oliver."

"Oliver, I was just about to call you."

"Really, do tell."

"You go first."

"Well, I was wondering if you'd like to come over. Owen was telling my daughter about you and now she wants to meet you."

"Really? I'd love to. Thanks."

"So what did you want to talk about?"

"Promise not to uninvite me to diner?"

"Unless your planning to turn the town into the KKK then I wont."

Harvey took a deep breath, "I'm pregnant. And I think it's yours." She closed her eyes and crossed her fingers.

"I'll be right over."


But it was to late. He had hung up the phone and was in the car. Ten minuets later he was knocking on the door.

"Hi." Harvey said opening the door.

He swept her up in his arms and twirled her around. She was so shocked. She didn't expect this reaction.

"What did you do that for?" Harvey asked.

"I can't be excited?"

"I thought you wanted it to be a one time thing."

"Harvey, do I look like an asshole to you? If I really wanted it to be a one time thing would I have invited you to diner? Would I be this excited that your pregnant?"

"But it might not be yours."

"Mine or not, Harvey it's happening. What do you want me to do? Call you a slut because I'm not your first? Say your a hoe? Like I said before, do I look like an asshole?"

Harvey wrapped her arms around him, "I never thought I could be this excited to be pregnant."

Change of plans. No blood test. This was Olivers baby, she didn't want to know if it was someone elses.


Oliver, Harvey, Ashlynn, Owen, and Jaylene sat at the table eating diner. No one mentioned the attack or the pregnancy.

This was to be a nice diner with normal conversation. No unexplaned attacks or acidental pregnancy. This was to be a nice evening.

Well, for an hour at least. Then John Kennen, a police man, knocked on the door. He was a slender man. Tall, skinny. He was black, now the reason I mention this is not to be racist but because he is the only black man in town. Him and his son that is.

"Jaylene in here? Everyone ok?" He asked.

"Yeah, everyones fine. Whats wrong?" Asked Oliver.

"One second." John said going to his patrole car. Turns out his son was in the back seat, "Mark, why don't you play in the livingroom ok?" Mark nodded.

"Serriously, whats wrong?"

"That thing you killed, Jaylene. I don't know what it was-"

"It was a zombie." Jayelene said calmly.

"Right, me and Jimmy where checking out your place and the thing you killed released spores. Well these spores must have sent out some signal 'cause Jimmy was attacked and turned by some zombies. Mort was a zombie too. The spores make zombies stronger, like they absorb this energy. The town is just about turned. We're the only survivors so far."

"Wait, zombies? Everything was fine four hours ago." Said Harvey.

"How did you get out?" Asked Jaylene.

"I shot everyone that came at me in the head. Ain't that easy shootin' friends." John looked tward the ground, "At least I got my baby." He looked into the living room.

"Do you want something to eat? Is your son all right?" Asked Ashlynn.

"We're fine, thank you. So whats your name, ma'm?"

"Ashlynn. I'm Olivers daughter." She said extending a hand.

"Well hello, Ashlynn. I'm John. Thats my son, Mark, in the livingroom."

"Wait, zombies? What? And who's Mort?" Said Harvey.

"We're not sure. But that's what it looks like. Mort? Mort was an old man who just chilled here till he died in his sleep. Sweet man."

"Oh." Said Harvey shyly.

They sat around the table discussing what to do. Where to go, if there was anywhere to go. Food. Water. Power. How will this go down.

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