Chapter 2

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Owen Sweeney woke up in an apartment that was unknown to him. Where was he? He sat up, looking to his right he found a sleeping woman. Oh, that explains it. He thought.

He got up and looked for his pants. Finding them along with his socks and one shoe he heard the woman stirring. She was probably waking up.

There was no time to leave now! She was going to be awake by the time he found his other shoe and shirt. Looking around frantically, but quietly, for his shirt he found a book that obviously belonged to her.

Out of curiosity he opened it. It was full of crazy ass sex positions! Some of them he vaguely remembered from last night. They looked fun. Honestly he wished he could remember doing that to her. Or her to him.

He set down the book when he heard her say something. She sat up in her bed and looked at him confused at first.

"Good morning." He said.

"Hi, we fucked last night right? 'Cause you look familiar." Said the woman.

"Yeah that was me."

The woman sat up. She was wearing his shirt! She looked good in it though. He still wanted it back. He smiled at her, then down at his feet.

"The names Rosaline. You probably need to go to work or something right? Here's your shirt back." She said pulling it off if her head.

Owen couldn't believe his eyes! This woman was almost fully nude! It didn't even faze her. She found him staring and looked down at herself.

"Sorry, am I making you uncomfortable? I should probably put something on." She said reaching for her shirt on the ground.

"What. No your fine." He said taking his shirt and putting it on.

"Oh, and here's your shoe." She was still topless and exposed.

"I am so calling you back." He said.

He grabbed her and kissed her goodbye. But first made sure he had her number. Then her went downstairs and drove to his place.

Owen was still trying to remember something's he did last night. He remembered something about a video camera, lubricants, oils, and handcuffs.

God she sounded fun. If only he could remember what exactly they did, or her name. Bet it was sexy. Glad he didn't bale on this one! He thought.

He walked into his apartment. It was cleaner than he left it, what the fuck? He opened the fridge, beer gone. Fuck again. He went to his room and pulled out the cooler from under his bed. Incase of emergencies like this, he was glad to have a secrete booze storage.

He opened it and drank a beer. Than went into the kitchen and discovered that he had over looked a note:
Your place was a little messy so I cleaned. I also put healthy fresh food in your fridge!
- Mom

His mother had the only other key to his apartment. He regretted giving it her the first time she used it. Worst. Idea. Ever.

Well, at least it was clean. The phone rang, Owen, being a normal human being, answered.

"Hello?" Owen asked into the phone.

"This is Marly. I was hoping we could talk."

"Who?" Owen was confused.

"Marly! We just broke up a week ago!" She sounded angry.

"Shit, the fuck you want now?"

"I want to talk."

"About what?"

"Getting back together."

"No! For the love of God no!"

"Fine, maybe my dad can talk to you!"

She hung up. Owen flipped. Her dad was big, mean, ugly, and looked like a steroid case gone wrong.

Owen ran to his room and threw almost all of his clothes into a duffle bag along with his charger, a pillow, and a picture of his mother and ran out the door.

You might think he was just a pussy, but Marly's dad was an ex-con. You'll never guess what he was thrown in the slammer for. Yes, that's right, giving Marly's last boyfriend a literal near death experience.

So call him what you will, but he'd rather have both his legs and be a pussy then be permanently crippled and a "man".

Owen tried to think of a place to go. Then it dawned on him. His cousin, Oliver, lived in Montana. He could crash their for a while.

It was a ways away to drive. But Owen lived on the edge of Idaho and could be there in like, six hours. Then again, he could go to Rosaline's. No, he needs to see Oliver anyways.

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