Chapter 14

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Gunther Trann woke up to a cold morning. It was alright, he had heating and indoor plumbing.

He lived out of town in the woods. All alone. Real old guy, liked hunting. Thats why he moved out into the wooded mountains a few miles from town.

Gunther looked outside. Nice day, maybe I'll take a walk. He thought. So he did. He walked down the road aways, down an old dirt path to the creek, circuled around and came home.

It was a good ten to fifteen minuet walk. Good exercise for him and Jess. Jess was his border collie puppy. Sweet girl, potty trained, loyal. She never left the old mans side. Gunther liked that.

Now your probibly thinking, why does an old man have a little puppy? Old men have old dogs! Jess was a gift. His grandaughter gave him the puppy when it was just born. You can't say no to a begging five year old with bone cancer. She wanted him to have the puppy as something to remember her by.

When Gunther came home with his new puppy he cried for hours. His grandaughter shouldn't have to worry about something like that.

After his grandaughter unfortunatley passed, he stayed in his home for a week just taking care of his puppy. He even named it after her. Now he cares for his puppy and will till he dies. That's just a true statment.

Jess curlled up on his lap asleep while he listend to the radio and took a nap. Gunther was at peace. In a blussful moment where nothing could touch him. He was in a warm home, he has a puppy, takes naps whenever he pleases. Life was good.

Gunther woke to the phone ringing. He held Jess in one arm and retrived the phone with the other.

"Hello?" Asked Gunther sitting down and laying the dog back in his lap.

"Gunther! Thank goodness your ok!" Said John.

"John is that you? Why the hell wouldn't I be ok?"

"Alright, somehow the dead are coming back as flesh eating monsters." Said John taking a deep breathe.

"Well I'll be damned. Tell Jaylene I owe her twenty bucks. Well, money ain't no good. I owe her a chicken."


"I made a bet with her dead grandaddy that zombies wouldn't happen. Now, since he's dead I owe Jaylene 'cause he told me to give the reward to Jaylene if he was to die before me. I think a chicken is fair."

"Ok, I will tell her. Be safe. Don't die."

"I'm 89 years old, smoked alittle, and drank some. Doctors say I should be dead. I took a walk this morning with my pup."

"Alrighty then. Call if you need."

"You too. Bye."


Dumbest phone call he ever recived. Now he's out a chicken. He has a ckicken coop in the back yard. It's got a nice fence and heating so they don't die. Theres 12, well 11. He's got one reserved for Jaylene.

He pet his puppy. She didn't budge. It's not like she cared to. A smile crept onto his wrinkly oldman face. One of thoughs sweet ones that makes you giddy and warm all up in you insides.


Said the door.


What in the hell? Thought Gunther. He got up to open the door, then he thought of that phone call that cost him a chicken.

He picked up Jess, who was barking like a drill sergent, and walked to the back room. They sat and chilled in there for a while.

Jess curled up in her dog bed and a shotgun laid in Gunthers lap. Phone on the end table right next to the bullets. This is what Jaylenes grandpop always said it was going to be like. Except they where both still kicking, underground in a metal safe room, and one of them posters of a naked woman on the wall. Close enough.

"I hope Gunthers alright, Oliver! I love that old fart." Said Jaylene.

"We all do. He's probably fine!" Reasured Oliver.

"The only things we need to worry about is food, power, water, and toilet paper. I ain't wipeing with nothing in between my hand and my ass." Said John.

"True. I'm not about to use my hand to clean my area, it does enough down there already." Agreed Jaylene.

"That's disgusting! Can't you say thoughs things in your head?" Bitched Harvey.

"I'm disgusting? Everyone does it."

"Does what?" Asked Mike walking into the living room.

"Nothing sweet cheeks." Said Jaylene.

"Alright. I think it's time to go on a patrole. Ya know drive around and see if there are still survivors. I know I said the while town but you never know." Suggested John.

"I'll go with you. Might as well, there ain't nothing to do here." Said Owen.

"Alright, anyone else? I can fit one more and still have room if there are people left." Offerd John.

"I wanna go. I'm sick of being in this house." Moaned Mike.

"No, bud, you need to stay here. I don't want you hurt ok.

"Ok, dad. Can I at least go in the yard and play?"

"Wait till I've left. Then ask the girls."

John and Owen went. The Owen turned around and dragged Oliver into the car. Leaving the ladies and Mike.

"Can I go play in the yard?" Asked Mike.

"Sure, sweet cheeks. Go play." Said Jaylene.

"Be careful and safe. We don't want to loose you." Said Ashlynn.

"Will you cone play with me, Ashlynn?" Asked Mike sweetly.

"Sure." Said Ashlynn.

"You realy touch yourself?" Asked Harvey after they went outside.

"You really think it's your bisness?" Retorted Jaylene.

"Just curious."


"I never have. Ironicly since I sleep around."


"My mother always said it was the work of the devil. She didn't want me to sleep with men."

"Is that why you do what you do?"

Harvey paused for a second, thinking of her cousin, "Yes."

"If it is the work of the devil, he's an alright kinda guy." Said Jaylene getting up.

"Where are you going?"

"I figured I'd be courtious and not smoke in the house. Care to join?"

Harvey thought again, "No. I'm trying to quit."

"It's the damn zombie apocolypes, I just got a chicken, spent ten minuets talking about my own masturbation to you, I think it's ok to smoke."

"Can you keep a secret?"

"Oh, drama and death. This is turning out like a movie."

"I'm pregnant."

"Oh shit."

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