Chapter 13

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John Kennen and his partner Jimmy Greff went down to Jaylenes house. Something about a gunshot. Not sure why it wasn't reported when it happened but whatever.

John and Jimmy walked in the frint door and let me tell you. Worst. Smell. Ever. Like something was rotting. And a foot or so over, there was.

The woman had looked like she had been dead years. John turned over her body with his foot.

"Ain't that Alex Rose?" Asked Jimmy.

"Looks like it."

Then a weird thing happend. It released this trapped dust looking thing, like spores. They both found this very strange. Neither of them had seen this before.

Then they heard scratching and muffled moans comming from outside. Jimmy opened the door slowly. Both had there guns drawn.

Three zombies came crashing in. They bit Jimmy. John fired in a rapid struggle. They where comming at him. He didn't know what to do. They weren't dying when he shot them in the chest, so he went for the head.

Jimmy started to get up. He kinda slumped around till he got a feel for things.

"Jim! Jim help me!" Screamed John in terror.

It was to late. Jimmy was turned and coming at John. He could hear more trying to get in. No time to think just shoot. Get out! Get out!

John was rapidly shooting. He couldn't think. If he did he would die. He shot an old friend by the name of Mort, a kid he went to school with, Jim, even the little girl who drowned in 98!

John ran out the door to get his son. He was at home waiting fir his dad to get home. I hope he's alright. John thought pulling into the drive.

"Son! Get in the car!" John yelled.

"Why dad?" Asked his son, Mike.

"Pack a bag full of clothes and get in the car ok."



Mike ran to his room to get his things. John grabbed a few pairs of clothes and two of Mikes favorite movies. If there was something of his old world he coupd take with him it'd be this.

Mike came into his fathers room with his bag. John almost cried. His poor baby, he's going to grow up in a world of monsters. As a parent you gotta reasure your child that theres nothing to be afraid of. Now what's he supposed to do?

"Got everything?"

"Where are we going, Daddy?"

"Olivers. Let's see if he's ok."

"Why wouldn't he be?"

They heard a window break in the back room. Mike was terrified. He didn't know what was going on. He thought it was just a breakin.

"Dad. You need to arrest him." Said Mike in a whisper.

John pulled him into the car and drive to Olivers house. He needed to know who was still a human and who wasn't.

"Dad, why didn't you arrest that guy? He is taking all of our things!" Said Mike.

"I'll explain it to you later ok. Just be quite for a little ok."

"Are you scared?"

"What makes you say that."

"Well, when we went to Disneyland and we went on the tower of terror you got scared. You had that same face in our picture we got."

"Mikey don't worry. I'll make sure we're ok. I allways do."

He pulled into the drive of Olivers house.

"Stay here for a sec, ok?" Said John.

"Ok, Dad."

John went and knock on the door.

"Jaylene in here? Everyone ok?" He asked.

"Yeah, everyones fine. Whats wrong?" Asked Oliver.

"One second." John said going to his patrole car to retreve his son, "Mark, why don't you play in the livingroom ok?" Mark nodded.

"Serriously, whats wrong?"

"That thing you killed, Jaylene. I don't know what it was-"

"It was a zombie." Jayelene said calmly.

John explained to them what happend. It was a long evening. They sat around the table discussing what to do. Where to go, if there was anywhere to go. Food. Water. Power. How will this go down.

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