Chapter 18

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Two months into the zombie apocolypes and this was the first time Ethan and his husband Clint had seen one. They where driving down some hillbilly backroad as fast as they possibly could.

Ethan was just about to have a heart attack.

"Daddy, what's going on?" Asked Anna.

"We'll be ok." Said Clint.

"What where those things?"

"I don't know sweetheart. But we'll be ok."

"Jeremy in my class said that a zombie apocolypes was coming. Where they zombies?"

"Yeah they where zombies. Don't worry, Anna. Unlike your daddies I know how to shoot a gun. And I'm a dead good shot." Lucy said.

"Don't put those thoughts into her head, Lucy. Where going to be fine, Anna. There's no such things as zombies." Said Ethan.

Lucy was not there daughter. She was Clints neice and had been visiting for the weekend. Then a zombie broke into their house and tried to eat there ten year old daughter.

That's when they made a run for it. Fortunately Lucy was a dead good shot, but Clint and Ethan still didn't know how a fifteen year old girl managed to get a pistol on an airplane. It was truly the eigth mystery of the world.

"Can I lean out the window and shoot at 'em if we see anymore?" Lucy asked.

"No, Lucy. We have told you we are not going to be hicks!" Ethan said.

"Hicks don't do that. Gangsters do that. Not this generation, the classic ones." Lucy said.

"I told you no. Now we are going to find living people, food, shelter, and everything else we need. Ok?"

"Papa? Where are we going?" Asked Anna.

"I don't know, hun. We'll find out when we get there." Said Ethan.

"House! Old man! We're saved!" Screamed Lucy as they got closer to an old mans house.

They pulled over. Clint got his and his husbands bag, Lucy grabbed hers and Annas bags. Hopefully this old man has guns. Thought Lucy.

"Howdy. Y'all runnin' into zombies?" Asked the old man.

"Impossible. There is no such thing as zombies. This just must be a freak deisese break out." Said Ethan.

"Yeah, zombie deisese. Now get inside before they find ya out here alone."


"The zombies moron. They go for easy targets."

They came around to the front of the house to find alittle boy playing with trucks in the front yard.

"How is he not an easy target. He's just alittle boy." Said Ethan.

"A boy with working ears and a pistol in the back of my jeans. Plus Papa Gunther sits on the porch with a shot gun just in case." Said the little boy.

"That's Mike. He's John Kennons boy. Oh, and I'm Papa Gunther. Come one." Said Gunther.

"Why 'Papa' Gunther?" Asked Anna.

"Because I'm everyones grandpa here."

I knew this town was full of hicks! Thought Ethan.

"Now don't get me wrong. We ain't imbreeding. I'm just that old guy who's like everyones grandpa."

"So. You got guns?" Asked Lucy.

"I do. And I'll even let you keep one just so long as you promise me not to be a punk little kid. 'Cause if ya are alittle cuss I will beat you, sister."

"Your the best old man ever, Papa Gunther!" Lucy exclaimed hugging him.

Ethan took an uneasy seat at the table. He looked around at the tiny house. Then he saw alittle pupy running around by Gunthers feet. She was a cute thing. Ethan alaays liked border collies.

Then a man came out of his room abd took a seat beside him. He was an attractive looking man around the age of thirty.

"I'm Ethan."

"I'm John. You've probably met my boy out front."

"Yes, he looks so much like you." Then Ethan hoped and prayed to God that that did not sound racist.

"Actually. He looks like his mother."

Bullet dodged, "Is his mother here?"

"She passed away a long time ago."

"Oh I am so sorry."

"No need. So did you just get here?"

"Me and my husband, yes. And our daughter Anna."

Johns eyes widend alittle, "Oh. Very nice. So is that Anna with Papa Gunther?"

"You really call him that?"


"Hmm. Well Lucy, our niece, is woth Papa Gunther. Anna is on the porch with my husband Clint."

"One sencond. I'm going to call someone. They live in the other house just up the street. Might as well tell them your here."

John left the room to call, someone. So Ethan sat quietly and studied the room somemore.

Small. Yet has this cute atmosphere. Very nice. A woman walked in the door.

She was short, alittle pudgy but not fat. Shorter hair. She took a seat by Ethan them smiled.

"Hello. My name's Alice Duncan." She said extending a hand.

"Ethan Fritz." He said.

"That's an interesting name. I like the way it sounds."

"Thank you."

"So did you arrive with that man and sweet little girl outside?"

"Yes, me, my husband, and our daughter."

"So who's the girl with Papa Gunther?"

Wow! Everyone calls him that. "That's Clints niece. Lucy."

"Oh. That's a beautiful name. Now is it 'Lucy' or 'Lucille'?"

"You'd have to ask her. I only met her about a month or so ago." And she'd been driving me up a wall ever since.

"She seems nice. I think Papa Gunther really likes her."

"Now why do all of you call him Papa Gunther?"

"Why does your daughter call you Daddy?" She sounded a little irritated. Kinda mean actually.

Good point though. Ethan stopped fighting the fact that Gunther was everyones naturally asumed grandfather. Who cares anyway? Wasn't to big a deal was it?

Clint came threw the door woth Anna. He told her to stay inside, Mike followed close behind. Clint and John both ran to the back room to get guns.

Zombies? Where they under attack!? Ethan imidiantly knew that he was useless to fight. He was the only adult on here who couldn't weild a wepon or shoot a gun. Not smoothly anyway.

Mike pulled out his pistole and took an assumed position by the back door. John ran to the front with a rifle and set up on the small railing along the porch.

Clint and Lucy where both given guns and put into a position they could hold. Mostly by a window. Papa Gunther looked at Ethan and Anna.

"Can either of you shoot a gun?"

They both shook their heads. Gunther nodded then looked at them with a disopionted face.

"Go into the back room and lock yourselves inside. We need you two to be protected just the same. Every body is usefull. And when you do lock the door make sure Jess is in with ya. She's my dog."

Ethan grabbed Anna and locked them in the back room with the dog. Anna seemed fine just sitting in the old mans chair with the puppy.

Wonder where he got her. She seemed only a few months old. Normally old men have old hunting dogs. This one seemed like she hadn't ever been hunting. Must be a puppy of an old hunting dog that passed. Ethan thought.

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