Chapter 16

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Ashlynn was playing in the yard with Mike when the squad car pulled up. A woman came out of the car and squated down so that she would be face to face with Ashlynn.

"Hello. I'm Alice Duncan. Me and your father go way back. I'm almost mad at him for not introduceing us." Alice said.

"Hello, Alice. I'm Ashlynn Sweeny. I find that there are a lot if people who my dad hasn't introduced me to. If he introduces me to anyone else that he's known for a while I will be very upset."

They shook hands and went inside with Mikey right behind. Alice seemed very happy, stranger things have happend. But to be smiling like she was? Oh well.

Inside there was a woman powow among Jaylene, Harvey, and Alice. Harvey had taken off her makeup. That's weird.

Then there was a conversation about sleeping arangments and John, Mike, and Alice went to stay with an old man named Gunther.

"Hey, I'm gonna go ont a walk. Oliver? Ashlynn? Care to join me?" Asked Harvey.

"Alright I'll go, Harvey. Dad, you coming?" Ashlynn asked.

"Yeah sure I'll go." Said Oliver getting his jaket.

"Can-" Owen started, then Jaylene pulled his shirt collar to cut him off.

"They need to be alone." Jaylene whisperd in his ear.

Ashlynn, Harvey, and Oliver walked down a pathway into a sucluded area. There they talked about what should be done.

"So, Ashlynn. I think we should tell you about this because your an adult and this involves you entirely." Said Harvey.

"What's this about?" Asked Ashlynn.

"Ashlynn, Harvey and I found out some bug news. Harvey is pregnant." Said Oliver.

"Oh." Said Ashlynn. They had stopped now, "So are you guys a thing? Are you like together?"

"Well....kinda." Said Harvey.

Ashlynn was having a hard time grasping this concept that they where trying to give. This was all to strange. Their pregnant? But not a thing? Yet their not sure? What the hell? Thought Ashlynn.

"So what are you gonna do about it?" Ashlynn asked.

"We're thinking about keeping it."

"Well duh! We've got zombies and no doctor so your obviously keeping it. I ment how are you going to raise this kid?"

They stood silent. They'd never thought about that. Ashlynn was a rash person and needed to be with rash people. She did not believe that her dad was being sain.

No plan? Their having a baby and no plan? Ashlynn already had a plan and she'd only just heard it.

"Find out if you two are a thing." She said.

"Honey, wait!" Said Oliver.

It was to late. Ashlynn was already walking away. She couldn't handle someone without a plan. She needed a plan. Right now her plan was to go to Gunthers for a few hours to cool down.

She got in her car and drove down to Gunthers house. She wanted to see John. He was definantly a plan person.

She also wanted to see Mike. He was a cute kid. Very sweet, loved playing outside. She felt bad that he couldn't wonder around Gunthers place and explore.

She pulled into the drive and saw Gunther sitting on the porch watching Mike play with his trucks.

"Hey, Ashlynn!" Mike said standing up.

"Hi, Mike. Wheres your dad?" She asked kneeling down to him.


Ashlynn went into the kitchen. John and Alice where sitting at the table talking. They looked up at her.

"I was just telling John about my brother. His names John too. Isn't that funny?" Said Alice smiling.

"It is. How are you two?" Ashlynn asked sitting down.

"I'm fine. How are you?" John said.

"I've been better." Admitted Ashlynn.

"Darling, whats wrong?" Asked Alice in a sweet voice. She took Ashlynns hand in hers.

"Harveys pregnant. It's my damn younger sibbling. Worst of all they don't know if their together. What kind if plan is this?"

"Harveys pregnant? I knew something was different." Said Alice.

"Don't worry, they'll most likely get togther and raise the child. Don't be scared." Assured John.

He wanted to take one of her hands like Alice had done. But he didn't. He had grown feelings for Ashlynn but did not act apon them, in fear of ruining his chance to get to know her.

What he didn't know was that she wanted him to take her hand. To be held by him and tell her it was alright. To walk into a home that was their own and spend time with him and Mike.

Neither of them knew what the other was thinking. They did not express their feelings. They wished to stay silent till they could no longer. Untill then they would keep their own secret.

"So did Harvey just tell you?" Asked Alice.

"Yeah, her and my dad."

"Are you mad that they are pregnant, or don't have a plan?" Asked John, who still had an urge to take her hand.

"That they don't have a plan. I mean, accidental pregnancies happen. But they haven't thought about it? I think it's crazy."

"It is. The way the world is turning out now you've gotta have a plan." Agreed John. He stared at her hand, no one noticed.

"Well, why don't we have something to drink. What do you all want? Ashlynn? John?" Alice asked.

"I'm good." Said John.

"Yeah me too. Thanks." Said Ashlynn.

"Alright. Just me then." Said Alice looking in the fridge.

John and Ashlynn locked eyes by accident. They looked deep into eachothers eyes. Neither wanted to break the tension building up between them.

John couldn't help it and reached for her hand. Ashlynn blushed, but did not shy away from him.

Then Alice like always comes in a makes it akward.

"Ashlynn, when you do go back to your dads house make sure to stock on toilet paper. That and food." Said Alice bluntly.

"I will, Alice. What time is it?" She looked at her watch, "Oh, I better go. I've been here for an hour."

John let go of her as she stood up and walked away. Damnit, Alice! Ashlynn thought as she started her car. That moment wasn't going to show up anytime soon. If it ever did show again that is. Bye bye romace, hello loner statice.

Ashlynn walked into her dads kitchen to get something to eat. She bumped into Jaylene, no surprise with five people in the same house.

"I heard." Said Jaylene.

"I've got a bigger problem." Said Ashlynn.

"Fuck. Sorry, sweets. What is it?"

"I think I like John."



"Everones getting someone but me! If I knew that the last time I had sex was the last time, all night long."

Ashlynn did not feel comfortable where this was going.

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