Chapter 9

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Owen woke up at Oliver's house. Lucky Oliver had just gotten laid yesterday. Unlucky Jaylene had gotten attacked last night. That's why Owen got the couch and Jaylene stayed the night in the guest room.

Owen didn't mind, considering she'd just been in a fight with someone who had tried to kill her. What did concern him is that she said that a zombie attacked her. What scared him even more was that they had seen the dead body on the floor and it didn't look all that fresh.

Even if Jaylene was right, then what the literal fuck was going on? Did it have something to do with that whack ass meteor shower? Was there something fucked to shit in the water?

Owen looked at the celling, wondering how this town had gone to hell. Or, it was just Owens mind playing tricks on him. Maybe Owen had gone insane from some childhood trama and is now trapped inside his mind, but actually is in an asylum for the mentally unstable.

"Hey, Oliver! I'm hungry!" Owen yelled.

"Dude, I'm right here. I have been up all night and am tired. Get your own food." Oliver said.

"Ok, fine, you go help your girlfriend. Hope she don't find out about your side hoe." He said getting up.

"Oh my God shut up! I'm not dating Jaylene and Harvey isn't my side hoe."

Owen just shrugged it off and went to the kitchen. He looked in the fridge for about point three seconds and spotted the most beautiful thing in the world. The last slice of blueberry pie.

Owen melted a little inside. He loved pie. Pie was better then sex to this man. And he thought that sex was pretty great.

He practically in hailed his sexy slice of pie. Oliver came in just to see his cousins face covered in blueberry beautifulness. Oliver kinda had a 'what the fuck?' look on his face.

"Your face better be the only thing that's blue." Oliver said.

"One time! One time!" Owen said defensively.

Lets just say Owen had one hell of a time with a pie once. It was only a one time thing and a really long time ago. Oliver still gave him shit about it. Who wouldn't? Sometimes Oliver will tell him that he should be the kid on American Pie.

Owen put his plate in the dishwasher. Then his cell vibrated in his back pocket. He checked it, but it was from an unknown number.

Unknown: Hey, just thought I'd text you. I know you don't have my number

Owen: Yeah, who is this

Unknown: It's Rosaline

Owen: Oh that makes hell of a lot more since

Rosaline: Now you remember me

Owen: That's not far I didn't have ur number

Rosaline: It's ok. I gotta go ttyl

Owen: Bye

How could Owen forget Rosaline? She was a freaking Goddess! Her hair was long and soft, her eyes where beautiful, her ass was damn fine, best of all she was comfortable with her body in front of him.

He closed his eyes and for a blissful moment, he imagined them together, with kids and a dog. Oh my God, what about Alice, the girl for the Cafe? She was great too. Rosaline was....and Alice was...

"Owen! Owen come here!" Oliver called.

"I'm coming!" Owen yelled back.

They all gathered in the guest room. Jaylene's leg was acting out again. They would have gotten a doctor but he was out of town. Why they didn't have two doctors was a mystery.

Oliver was cleaning her leg with a rag. Owen stood there stupid. He didn't know what to do, Oliver had dealt with injuries and things before. Oliver's mother was a nurse and trained her little boy. Good for him.

"Owen, get me a knife, two bowls, one with water and one without, and painkillers in the bathroom." Oliver said.

"And whiskey." Jaylene said.

"Ok, I'll do that." Owen said leaving the room.

He went to the kitchen first. He grabbed a kitchen knife, he wasn't sure if Oliver wanted a big knife or a small one so he grabbed both. He got the bowls, one filled one not, and the whiskey and ran it to the guest room.

"Where are the painkillers? And I need a clean rag." Oliver said.

"Sorry, I'm going." Owen was out again.

He grabbed a rag and stuffed it in his back pocket and went to the bathroom. Obviously it would be in the medicine cabinet, right? So he looked.

Turns out Oliver's cabinet looked like a pharmacy in itself. Owen felt like he had to pay someone just to get pills from his cousins bathroom. Finding the painkillers took forever.

Owen rushed back to their little mimic hospital. It turn out that the doctors who looked at Jaylene couldn't get that damn little bullet out of her leg. What do doctors know anyway?

Oliver had to take the bullet out himself. This was going to be an interesting experience for everyone one in the room. Owen was most likely to puke or faint, Jaylene was ready to kill some one, and Oliver was trying to remain calm as possible.

"Alright, Jaylene, take a shot of whiskey. I've got you leg clean and peeped so now would be a good time." Oliver said grabbing the small knife.

"Can I take the pain killers now?" Asked Jaylene.

"Not with your whiskey, I'll give them to you after ok." Oliver said.

"Alright, just give me the damn bottle." She said reaching out to Owen.

Owen gave her the bottle. She took the first swig when Oliver started into her. She just kept drinking after that.

"Your a fucking butcher, you know that?" She said to Oliver.

"I'm almost done. Just hold on."

"You can hold on." She said in a mock tone.

She was drunk now. Owen had to hold her arms down from taking a swing at Oliver, or 'butcher' as she called him. Owen also got the task of taking the bottle away. It was like taking an ice cream cone from a fat kid. A really scary, kinda cute, military trained, drunk, fat kid.

Oliver managed to get the bullet out clean and clean her up. By this time she had passed out from intoxication. Oliver went to his bathroom to wash his hands. Owen went to the bathroom also, to throw up his beautiful pie.

"Oh my God, Owen! You have such a weak stomach." Oliver said.

"I'm sorry that watching a bullet get cut out of someone makes me queasy." Owen said with his face in the toilet.

"I'm glad you apologized." Oliver said in a joking matter.

"Shut up, I hate you."

"No you don't, calm down."

Oliver left his cousin to puke his guts out. Owen wasn't happy. He finally got over it. Time to brush some teeth. Yay! Owen felt gross, he felt bad for Jaylene who was probably going to be in here puking later.

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