Chapter 20

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After the funeral Harvey went to the car and cried. Lucy didn't know this woman, but she hated to see someone cry. Especially if they where pregnant, according to others who where talking about it first.

Lucy didn't know how to comfort someone after a loss. There should be a manual on this or something. Why hasn't anyone thought of that?

She wanted to tell her that it was alright, but that was a lie. She wanted to tell her that Alice was on a better place, but how was she supost to know that.

Lucy had not died aand returned from the other side of this demention. She had no proof. But was there anything else to do?

Lucy knocked on the window of the car. It made Harvey jump, but she opened the door.

"Hi. I'm Lucy." Said Lucy.


"So, uh, I hear that your having a baby. You are the one pregnant right?"

"Yes." She whiped a tear from her cheek, "Thank you."

"So, did you know Alice well?" Was that her name?

"Yeah we all did. She was so sweet. Always polite."

"That's what I have heard. I wish I could have really met her."

"You'd of liked her. Everyone does."

Lucy took a small step closer. Harvey had stopped producing tears. But Lucy had not eased the pain. Progress though. Lots of progress.

"So. I don't expect you to know the sex of the baby do you?" Asked Lucy.


"Well, I bet it's a girl."


"When my mom was pregnant she had the same glow about her. When my aunt had her boy she had a different ora during her pregnancy."

"Wow. You good at observing aren't you?"

"It's a gift."

"So what else can you sense?"

"Well your husband, or boyfriend, is very proud of you. He would parade you around and show you off if this was the same world we once lived in. He is obviously upset over the loss of his freind though."

"Wow. I didn't know that. Wait. How old are you?"

"I'm fifteen. Why?"

"You act more like an adult then some people I know."

"Another of my gifts."

Harvey smiled, "Thank you."

"Welcome?" Said Lucy unsure of what she had helped her with, "Well. I need to get back to my uncles. I hope to see you soon."

"Me too."

Lucy returned to her uncles. Something on Ethans face said disaproval from talking to her. Suck it, Ethan. She thought.

He was alittle judgy at times. He was nice though. She didn't think he liked her. But she cared just as much about him.

"So what did you two girls talk about?" Asked Clint.

Lucy looked at Ethan and smiled, "We talked about her ora and how it helps determine the sex of her child."

Ethan rolled his eyes, "Her ora. Really?"

"No, I said volva." Said Lucy sarcasticly.

"You are a young lady. You need to act like one." Scolded Ethan.

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