Chapter 25

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John looked down at the ring. Maybe it's still early. She just got a baby sister a month ago. I don't know. Maybe...I don't want to put pressure on her.....but I do want to marry her. Should I?

He put the ring into his pocket as the door opened. It was his son. His sweet little boy. God, he was growing up so fast.

"Dad, you gotta do it. If you don't then I'll do it for you.", Mike winked, "But I'll tell her it was from you."

"Oh, buddy. That's not how it works."

"So the rules change?"

"What rules?"

"The rules of how it works. Duh."

"So what are these rules you speak of?"

Mike sat down on the bed beside his dad, "Well, first you have to have a crush. Then you gotta tell the person your crushing on that your crushing on them or have your friend tell them if you don't have the kahonays."

"How do you tell them?"

Mike smirked, "Like this, 'hey baby, your pretty and I like you. Wanna go to diner. Pick you up at eight sweet cheeks.' Then you walk away like a boss."

Mike displayed his "boss walk" around the room. It was so cute. His arms where bent and his chest was puffed out.

"Then what?" John asked.

"Then you go on a lot of dates and kiss her a lot, then you get on one knee and give her a ring. And you gotta say something really sweet."

"Like what?"

"You gotta say, 'hey baby, your still pretty and I'm still crushing on ya and now I want to make sure I'm the only one crushing on ya'. Then you pull out the ring and say, 'baby, wanna get married?' and she'll be like, 'yeah baby, I wanna get married!' and then you say, 'pick you up at eight.' then wink. Ladies love that."

John was trying not to laugh. That was how it should work. It could. Possibly. Mike gave him a peice of paper. It had the rules written on it.

Mike nodded. How long has he had this? Does he just carry it around all the time?

"Buddy, how long have you had this?"

"About four months."


"In case I fall in love. I might not remember what to do."

"You can always ask."

"What if your in like some crazy battle with the Ultra-Zombie? your gonna need to focus." With that Mike left.

How did he come up with that? What a crazy kid. John looked down at the rules. It even had what your supposed to say. Cute.

John thoght about what to say. He couldn't say 'hey baby'. He could say 'Ashlynn'. Maybe his sons speech could work. With improveation obviously. It could work.

He began to switch words around and sub one thing for another.

Mike took a deep breath. This was the moment. He had to do it now, while the world was ending. How romantic would this be?

He saw Anna sitting on the porch with one of her daddies. It was Ethan. Clint was visiting the new baby. I don't think Ethan likes babies. Thought Mike.

"Hey, Anna. Whatcha doing?" Asked Mike walking onto the porch.

"Nothing." She looked at her daddy.

"Well I was wondering if you wanted to do something." Mike said looking at his feet.

She looked up at him, "Like what?"

Mike shrugged, "I don't know." Mike knew. He just didn't want to say it infont of her dad.

"Daddy, can me and Mike go on a walk?" She said turning to her dad.

"I don't know, the two of you alone. What if a zombie comes after you?" Ethan said, trying to convince Anna it was a bad idea.

"I've got a gun. I'm a dead good shot. Never miss." Mike said showing Ethan his gun.

"Pleeeaaaase, daddy! Can we go! We won't go to far."

Ethan thought. Mike could tell he didn't like him. He knew Ethan couldn't stand the idea of them even sharing thus house when he was home.

Mike glanced down at Ethan, then smiled at Anna. She stood up to leave with Mike. Soon it would be Mikes chance.

"Well, I'd like an adult with you-"

"Papa Gunther!" Mike interupted.

Papa Gunther walked out of the house, "Yes?"

"Wanna come with us on a walk?" Asked Anna.

"Who's 'us'?"

"Me and Anna. You want to? Ethan said he wanted an adult with us."

Gunther opened his mouth to tell Ethan to go with them, but saw the look in Mikes eyes. He knew that look. Dads always skrew up that feeling when they see that look.

"Sure. Jess and I need our exercise anyway. Don't want her to be asleep forever. The girl needs to play more before she goes." He had a tear in his eye as he turned to get his dog.

Atleast, Mike thought he saw a tear. He wasn't quite sure why he would be sad though. Jess was fine and healthy. She still had energy to play.

Jess came running out the fromt door. She was growing into a beautiful young dog. Still had the energy of three childeren.

They went on the path aways, the Mike turned to Gunther.

"Gunther. Can Anna and I go to the pond?", then Mike leaned in close, "Alone?" He whispered.

Gunther nodded and smiled. Mike took Annas hand and lead her to the pond. His dad said it was the perfect place to take a girl.

They walked aroud the edge and sat down on a large flat rock.

"Hey Anna, your really pretty and I've been crushing on you for like, a little while so..." Mike said nervously.

Anna nodded, "I like you too, Mike. I've liked you for a while."

Then something Mike wasn't ready for happened. He felt a soft, sweet, presanse on his right cheeck. It was gone as soon as it came.

Mike blushed. How did that happen? Was it what he had said? Then he relized something even better. She kissed him!

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