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WHILE Alice dragged Rosalie and Gaia to Seattle to go shopping, Elexia decided she needed a day at the beach with Melody, and seeing as Melody could no longer go to La Push, they went to Elexia and Rosalie's beach.

The silence they sat in was comfortable as Elexia worked on an assignment that she had to do for school, due in a couple days. Every so often, she would hear Melody shift around. She sensed that she had something she needed to talk about, but she didn't ask, knowing Melody would talk when she felt comfortable.

"Lexi?" Melody's very shaky voice asked after a few minutes. She was ready.

Elexia looked up from her notebook with a small comforting smile, placing her pen down. She was wearing an oversized striped sweater that fell to her mid-thighs, so when she folded her legs, they were tucked comfortably underneath. Melody sat across from her, twiddling with her fingers nervously. She couldn't quite maintain eye contact with Elexia.

"What's up, Mel?" Elexia's light and bright voice asked.

"How... How did you feel when you met Rosalie?" Melody asked quietly, now looking down at her hands.

Elexia's eyebrows pulled together, slightly confused at the question. "What do you mean?"

"Like.. what did you feel? Just... when you first made eye contact with her..." Melody trailed off.

"Well, I felt this immediate.. pull to her. Like I had to know her and be near her." Elexia explained, a small smile making its way to her lips as she remembered seeing Rosalie for the first time. "Of course, her sharp looks made me scared, too. But that was because she was upset to involve me and Gaia in her life. If she hadn't scared me so much, I probably would have gone right to her. Why do you ask?"

"I– I think I felt that." Melody whispered. Her voice was so quiet and so fast that Elexia had to lean forward to make out what she was saying. When she did realize what she said, her eyebrows shot up.

"Oh. Oh." Elexia breathed. "With who?"

"You're... you're not going to believe it." Melody shook her head, looking at the sand that she was playing with underneath her finger.

"What do you mean by that?" Elexia pursed her lips, confused. "When did this happen? Who is it, Mel?"

Melody looked up, her amber eyes wide and nervous. She took a deep, shuddery breath. "It was Emmett."

Little bonus for you all before we leave Earth in the past.

Melody's mate revealed!!! 

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