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Warnings: death

ELEXIA managed to sleep for maybe three hours until she awoke with a start at around twelve or one in the morning on Thursday. Only, this time, it was not a nightmare that jolted her awake. It was a true, physical fear now. A small crash had clattered against her window. It wasn't too loud, but it was enough to wake Elexia and cause her heart to start pounding. Everything had her on edge these past couple of days.

Rosalie swiftly moved from her position next to Elexia to stand in front of the bed, shielding Elexia and Gaia's crib from whatever might be out there. The scent that she smelled was new, but there was a familiar hint to it.

Another identical crash hit the glass. Luckily, Austin wasn't home yet, so he wouldn't be aware of this. The crashes sounded like small-to-medium sized rocks.

Rosalie slowly walked towards the window. She moved the curtain away gingerly and glanced down at the ground of Elexia's yard. A soft gasp left her lips, which alarmed Elexia even more. She slid from her side of the bed to the other and then hopped down to join Rosalie. Her heart was still pounding, even more now than before, as she scanned her eyes down.

Tears met her eyes for the millionth time that week. Now, the pain was different that it had been on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. The sight she saw placed an ache in her heart like no other. She felt like she might even be having a heart attack.

Her eyes saw Melody in her yard. Her eyes blood-red and no longer hazel-green. Her hair was tattered and tangled. The honey blonde looked more brown as dirt matted into it. She was frightened, not an ounce of her usual sunshine on her face. The sweetness of Melody Forge was stolen from her; the light was snuffed out. Her humanity was taken by an evil, evil being.

Elexia cupped a hand over her mouth to suppress her sobs. How could this have happened to her? Who had done this to her? She was innocent.

Innocent. Elexia had said that word more this week than she had in her entire life. But it was true. Melody Forge was innocent. If that word fit no one else, it fit Melody. She had so much love in her heart, never judging anyone. She always wanted to help people. Her first impressions of people were always positive, even if that person was rude to her. It was just how Melody was. She was sweet.

Rosalie had the window open in a second and she jumped down next to Melody, but far enough away in case Melody freaked out or became aggressive – though the latter was unlikely. Rosalie raised her hands up to show that she meant no harm.

Melody looked so scared, so small. Though, she was relieved to see familiar faces. "Can you help me?" Her voice was nothing but a whisper. She had no idea what was happening to her and if either of them could help. She just knew that Elexia would do everything in her power to try and help.

Rosalie nodded tenderly. She was very tense. "We need to get you away from here. You're dangerous right now."

"Rose, let her up here!" Elexia cried, the salt from her tears getting in her mouth as she did so but she couldn't care less. She didn't like Rosalie's response to her friend. She didn't care that Melody was a newborn vampire, she was her best friend first.

"Elexia, it is far too dangerous. She's a newborn." Rosalie gritted out, not wanting to argue in front of Melody, whose face scrunched up in confusion at the word newborn. Elexia was going to risk hurting herself– and Gaia– in order to help Melody and Rosalie wasn't going to have that. As heartbreaking as Melody's situation was, Lex and Gaia would always be more important to her.

"You'll protect me." Elexia assured, nodding. Her tears stopped flowing and her voice had become harder, more confident. She knew that Rosalie wouldn't let anyone hurt her or their daughter. And she also knew that Melody would never willingly charge at them.

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