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ELEXIA let out a breath as Amethyst put the phone down.

Edward, Bella, and Alice were all okay. Alice had just called from the airport in Italy, they were about to board their flight. Their plane would be flying from Italy to Atlanta, where they would have a layover, and then to Seattle. They wouldn't be home until night.

"Lexi, why don't you go take a walk outside, get some fresh air for a minute?" Amethyst asked, a small smile on her face. Her observant eyes could see that Elexia's anxiety still lingered in her bones.

Elexia nodded weakly, figuring it would be a good idea. Emmett took Rosalie out hunting, so it was only Elexia, Gaia, and Amethyst home. Melody was, too, frequently popping in and out of the house to see what was going on.

"I'll take Gaia." Amethyst offered, holding her arms out for the baby, who only smiled and squealed as Elexia handed her over.

Elexia was sure that lingering anxiety was one of the most uncomfortable feelings ever. She knew that they were all safe, yet her hands still shook and her throat still felt dry. Her shaky hand lifted to open the front door of her house when suddenly, she was calm.

Her head snapped up. It was a unique feeling, it was one she had felt before. She knew what it was.

"Jasper!" she yelled, sprinting down the porch steps and down the driveway, throwing herself into his arms. She knew that she should have warned him before getting so close, but she couldn't help it. Tears spilled from her eyes as his cold, but comforting hands, met her back.

She remained silent for a few moments, tears slipping happily from her eyes. Jasper's hands comfortingly rubbed her back and kept her calm. Once she had gotten it all out of her, she looked up at him through glassy blue eyes. Jasper's small smile was reassuring and it made her beyond happy. His eyes were pure gold; he'd fed just before arriving. Though he was still slightly tense, he was doing his best to be comfortable with her so close. She stepped back, wanting to make it as comfortable for him as possible.

So elated, she looked around, seeing Amethyst standing on the porch, Gaia in her arms and a wide smile on her face. She made eye contact with Elexia and gave her a wink, before going back inside. Elexia smiled and looked back at Jasper.

"Hi, Lex." Jasper greeted with a small dip of his chin, a grin on his face.

"Hi Jasper." she smiled. She couldn't believe she hadn't seen him in six months.

They stood there for a moment. The two of them were very similar in the way that they did not need words to know how much they missed each other. Jasper could literally feel the emotions as Elexia felt them. Relief washed over her, and she knew it wasn't Jasper who did that. It was her own doing.

"It's been too long." Elexia finally broke the silence, her voice filled with happiness.

Jasper nodded, but his expression hardened. The reminder of leaving was still fresh, as was the fact that he had missed so much of Elexia and Gaia's lives. "I'm sorry," he whispered.

Elexia could see in his eyes that he was in so much pain after what happened. Jasper could still hear Gaia's cries in his head, see the anxiety in Elexia's eyes from that night.

Every time Elexia thought of that night or of the Cullens leaving, she never thought of Jasper as the problem. It was an accident. With Jasper in front of her now, all she could feel was happiness and a sense of normalcy return to her. Forks had changed since the Cullens left. Seeing Jasper reminded her of the happiness she had last year.

"It was never your fault," Elexia softly affirmed. "You're here now, let's focus on that."

A small smile returned to Jasper's face. Elexia had a way of comforting people. There was a hint of relief in his eyes. "I missed you, Lex. I missed you all. How has everything been?"

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